Chapter Four✖

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Danny whispered that one word under his tongue like a breeze of uncentern patterns. This women looked like his mother, she even had his mothers hair, she had her sense of fashion which was tight suits. But what made Danny flinch and say 'Mom' in such a way, was how the soft cloude of cooling bright blue that only his eyes can see... Told him a ghost was by. But the women looked human, she looked like a copy of his mother, but her structure was slightly different. This women was more broader- she was more eligent in her walk, she held more emotions of power then Danny has ever felt.

This women may seemed to be his mother but she is not. It was confusing as it is, but also saddening. This women brought up memories of his times with his mother. The feeling had sicken his system but not as much as thinking a random women was Sam. But this women is not random, this women looked to close to home.

"So, I see you found a minimum location." A smirked spread across the lady's face.

"Veline, I see your father sent you." The Doctor seemed to be hiding the disgust he felt about the women next to him.

"Well when its you on the job, he'll always send me." The doctor made a annoyed tick with his tongue before turning away, "And you know Father, he can be overly suspicious of talkative Doctors." Veline seemed to trying to get under the mans skin.

"Everyone knows how Vlad is. He's a wreak- well when making you, he sure was." The Doctor smirked while Veline growled.

Vlad, Daniel could feel his insides curl. His heart seemed to want to play a sick joke- as he saw blur. Vlad went missing after his mother died. After Madaline died. Everyone knew Vlad loved his mother- but seeing the women infront of him and her calling Vlad father was crazy. Vlad couldn't- no he wouldn't have done something so reckless! He shouldn't have! Danny was close to utter rage at the thought of Vlad taking his mothers DNA and his own to make a weapon!? He thought Vlad had changed the last time he met the other Halfa. But this was worse then anything, he cloned his own mother basically- someone who raised him. Into the person before him- someone who looked like a killer.

"Did you find the specimen yet." Veline growled somemore.

"No I haven't, you delayed the search." The Doctor snapped back.

"Watch your tone, Centric. Father wouldn't be please with you." The doctor now know as Centric rolled his eyes befpre continuing his search.

Danny couldn't think straight anymore. He had just found the clone of his own mother! And that said clone is calling Vlad her father- this just goes to say Vlad was desperate one time in his life. Vlade knew the consequences of making knew life. And seeing as Clockwork didn't say anything about this Clone ment Vlad did this without the Ghost's knowledge.

Danny made sure for a law about making clones be made when he was King. Yes he loved Dani with all his heart. She was like a daughter to him. He'll treasure her forever. But he doesn't want clones made with out other's consent or for a army of clones of everyone running around tearing each other apart.

Danny's thoughts came to a close as he heard the Doctor walking closer to him. He heard Centric's heals stop and the gasp that came from the said man.

"Agents! Get him!" Centric pointed at Danny. The agents closes to the Halfa took out what seemed to be tasers. Danny quickly ducked and rolled put of the way. Sliding in next to the doctor he grabbed the Doctor and held him infront of him using the man as a sheild.

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