Chapter Three 👉👈

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The feeling of leaving home, caused Danny to choke in nervousness and uncertainty. His gut sunked so deep inside of him, all he wanted to do was curl up in a ball and watched the world move from that position.

Danny felt blood tickle down his hand as his finger nails dung deeply into his palm. Taking a step Danny made it into the subway and was quickly pushed to the side by hordes of people trying to find open seats. Danny slightly growled, before grabbing onto the railing and held on while the train moved forward.

He had two hours to kill before he reaches his destination. Two hours that can seemly make his life more of a living hell right now. So with that in mind, Daniel let his thoughts swim around in his head.

Danny knew that as King he was forfilling his obsession as being a protector. He was protecting his people. But now, living in the human world. His obession is slowly killing him. He needs to find a way to forefill is obsession, or he can forget about seeing Dani again.

Many things appeared in Danny's mind for what he can do.

Police Officer, Not a bad idea.

Fireman, Not really a fan of the heat.

Military, totally do not want to have to explain why there is actually no real records about himself.

Hero, well...

It wasn't like he didn't love being a hero. But now-a-day's heros work together. He doesn't want to be on a hero team. He doesn't want anymore connections will other humans. Humans that will die on him.

Humans are not immortal. They are not ghosts. They are living beans that will live out their days until they die, which most of their souls will disappear to unknown lands.

Only a few, become ghost, or spirits.

And Danny wasn't going to believe in the twenty out of a hundred chance that the people he'll grow attached to will be in the Ghost realm with him.

Danny's thoughts were cut short, as the train jolted forwards before coming to a complete stop. "Attention all passenger's. The train has stopped for a emergency investigation. Please stay where you are. Do not try to run or hide or these men will take action. Thank you." Panic, was the only feeling that surrounded the people.

The sounds of guns being loaded and people screaming made everyone cluster into groups. Danny looked over his shoulder too see a small family. He chosed to stand protectively over this single mother with two kids. He couldn't bare himself to see this little family get hurt. The little one's remind him of Jazz and himself. And the women- she looked so much like his mother, it hurt deeply to remember his ghost obess mother. Even if she wasn't there when he went through some hardships. She was his mother and he loved her deeply.

The doors swung open, to reveal men in white suits. The inner shirt was black, as well as the shoes. And the ties were also black. They all had at least two weapons. A gun and- a eco-plasm gun. Grunting in irritation. Danny took notice of the tags the men wore. Narrowing his eyes, danny was able to catch what the tag said.


Danny groan, it was too soon for this. This shouldn't be happening. As the agents pushed people back. A scientist came in with what looked like a tracking device. "Everyone remain calm!" The brown shaggy hair man spoke out to the hoards of people that panic under the glazes of the men in white suits, "We are only here for a presence of very bad person was located on this train. We'll be walking to each person and checking them for any signs of Radioactivity. After our check you are to remain silent until the train is fully secured." Everyone became still, and no noise seemed to escape this capartment full of people who are fearing the outcome.

Daniel can feel the heat of emotion's the fear that the people around him felt. His inner core craved this cold dearly feeling. The fear was too delightful for him to bare, and he hated it. He hated this feeling- deep down the fear was suffocating him. It was drowning him in a pool of sorrows from past fears he had of his own.

The sound of the heels that this manly scientist was wearing. Made the whole scene of what is happening seem- Well, seem very dramatic.

The tracker beeped softly as the scientist walked pass. The closer and closer the tracker got to Danny's position the faster the beat seemed to go. Danny took a deep breath as the tracker got near him.

"I'm hoping you found the specimen Doctor." A women walked in wearing shades. Her short length red hair that seemed to have a deadly glow to it.

She, she was so fimilar is such a way. Danny knows that voice. She looked just like the women who gave him life in this world.



Waves of coldening bliss, swept through this wary castle. The eco-atmosphere swirled with black and green. Exposing this blessed land of Ghosts and Spirits.

As Dani looked out of the castle window, her soft whispers of boredom echoed through out the room.

"Young Dani." Clockwork floated into the room. His drapes and staff gave him the look of a powerful wizard. A wizard who will most likely give a werid name to a wizard school.... "I've seen your restlessness. What has been on your mind." The ghost of time seemed to speak softly to the younger ghost.

"You know what my mind is thinking." Dani rolled her eyes at the elder ghost. "I just want Danny back. This position is too much for me Clockwork. Why did you make Dad go."

Clockwork sighed. Before putting a hand on Dani's shoulder, "You know how much Lord Phantom felt in these chambers. And you sure know the loss of his family dangled him over a leage." Clockwork looked outside the window, "Phantom will find a calling out in the human realm. Amd when he does, the gates to us will be open." Dani only nodded as Clockwork slowly took his leave, "Your father will come home when the time is right child. For now be patient." Dani closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the air in her chamber's.

"I hope you right." Her voice spoke out, and bpunced offf the walld in a echo. "I hope."

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