Chapter 6✴

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The feeling of being consume by sleep for so long, caused a endless groan to escape Daniels lips. He wanted to open his eyes but the pulling of dreaded tiredness kept them shut. So with the ounce of strength that he pulled from his body. Danny managed to sit up. The headache that was with him when he was falling into unconsciousness seemed to stay, keep his throbbing head from wanting to do anything. In that moment of time, Danny did not check his surroundings or where he was at. For the headache that added on to his burning lungs was more than enough.

Slowly, but surely Daniel seemed to take back the sense of time as he looked around the room. Honestly, he was calm about being in a room he was never been in before. He has a lot of life on him, so spending some time locked up somewhere wasn't his issue. It was the who too me? That echoed in his mind. Danny was more concerned with who then how or what. For the who in this situation was greater, making the other questions inferior to this case.

The place Danny seemed to have been resting in, was small but clean. Too clean for his liking. Daniel got use to seeing dust, rust, and other uncleaned sources that being in a place that radiates freshness and unscratched. Bothered him to the point that he stood up from the hospital bed he had laid on. To ease his questions Daniel saw a door to the far left of this unnaturally white room. Taking a soft pace Danny approach the door with tensity and his body structure.

Guiding his hand by mind, to the door. The coldness that sparked through touch was enough for Daniel to open the door wide. Yes, not the best option he could of took at that moment. But Daniel did not worry, for he had a idea in where he is at. Keeping his identity a secret meant nothing to him since forever. Daring not to go ghost- he walked out of the door, wearing black shorts and a hoodie that wasn't his at that.

Come on, if there's spare clothes on a bed thats screams, wear me. Then why not just do that? Back to the thing at hand.

The hallway Daniel walked in was rocky, only the floors were smooth. He bare feet with slab against the metal making sure that the people who had great hearing- know he is roaming around. His walk to a stop as he was facing a opening of what appears to be a giant cave in a volcano. Believe him, Danny had his fair share of being in Volcanos. Taking that in mind, he also noticed all the advance technology that surrounded the room. There was even a platform that seemed to be made for training. And a kitchen with a living room next to it.

With this, Daniel knew exactly where he was. He was taken by the sidekicks. Of course that was better than the GIW or Cadmus at that. But he did not want to be near brats who think he is 18 years old and probably know nothing. Please children, I'm older than your great grandparents. That's saying a lot.

"Where is he?" Danny heard a female voice speak from where he came from.

"The monitors didn't even alert us that he left." A male voice shouted. Definitely, the speed demon- Danny concluded.

"Search the cave. He is most likely roaming about." Done hearing the sidekicks talk about finding him. Daniel took it upon himself to relax.

Strutting into the living room, Daniel sat down on the cushions before turning the T.V on. Might as well enjoy the time he has to himself before the sidekicks take it upon themselves to question him. Even with the thoughts of Vlade and Veline on his mind. Daniel flipped on the channels until stopping on a T.V show that was reenacting his books. Funny how they got every character wrong. I mean they made Dash looked like a bodybuilder. Danny knew Dash did not look like that. He made the books himself. But having to had sign those papers himself with a little help of his ghostly magic. Daniel had no say in the matter.

As Daniel watched the show before him the sidekicks soon came to realise that everyone of them were in the hallway. So there shouldn't be a way the T.V had turn on. Walking into their little hangout room. They watched as Daniel sat there watching his own cartoon series.

"What the hell." Superboy was the first to speak. Seemingly to be confused on how this teen can be so calm in his situation.

Danny turned to him and gave a forced smile, "Welcome, care to join me. I rather have company when yelling at a show that seemed to mess up every detail my characters should have." Wally being the first to react dashed to sit next to his favorite book author.

"Count me in." KmWally beamed in delight. I mean he's sitting next to the Daniel Fenton. Who can even say they did that!? Nobody, that's who.

"I don't think this is the time to watch shows." Kaldur concluded as he looked at the man he thought was a teen.

"Sure, what time am I supposed to be watching T.V? Last time I checked I'm the guest here." Daniel didn't bother to being nice to the kids around him. He could try to be, seeing as they helped him. But he knew they only wanted answers.

"Watch it." Superboy growled at the Halfa.

"Watch what? The show. Gladly." Daniel hummed continuing to watch as the suppose Danny Phantom flew around seemingly to be tazing the other ghost. Daniel does not remember there ever being a taser.

"Why can't a bat watch a show? Keep it down." Robin hushed Superboy and Daniel who looked at the kid with what seemed to be, what the actual fuck?

"Your not Bat, your Robin." Megan spoke confused on what he ment.

To Daniels knowledge as of late. Aqualad was the not known- Leader aka the Mom, Robin the Brains/Younger bro, Kid Flash the joker/annoying cousin, Megan the peacekeeper/ little sister, and Superboy the lone wolf/Anger issues dude. To be exact with what he was saying. Danny thinks he has them all thought out.

"He said that for he is Batman's protegé, Megan." Kaldur spoke to the girl softly. Megan nodded in response.

"Can we watch this before Bats gets here? I calculated he'll be here in five minutes. Due to the camera's lying about around here." Daniel piped in, annoyed that the sidekicks ruined his good old personal time.

Well, he can't dwell on it much. He was in a giant volcano that's filled with technology so advanced, that if Cadmus got ahold of this stuff. Down goes Phantom. Daniel turned back ti the show only to count down to five minutes not paying attention to what was before him. Soon the little team managed to sit around the halfa and watch a show that was frown upon by Daniel and his readers. For those who didn't read Dannys book series, love the show that holds no care for butchering the characters designs.

This seemed to be a day that Daniel can slowly ease away from the pain and knowledge he holds. He doesn't want to think about his daily life right now. He doesn't want to remember the lost, or how he has a sister that was actually a clone with the DNA of his mother and Vlad.

Even though it was surprising how these sidekicks just let him wake up from a coma. Roam their hideout, and now take their T.V to watch whatever the hell is on the screen. Daniel believe they should be lectured about trust. They all seemed to trust the halfa too quickly, and that can cause problems in the future.

When Daniel reached the number zero from his count. A light flashed behind them. A AI that was the support system to the technology announced the arrival of the famous Batman. Clutching his fist Daniel looked at the Hero from the couch before standing up shortly after the rest of the kids who walked up to their mission advisor. As Daniel made his way over, he couldn't help but feel a feeling of familiarity at the way Batman held himself. Shaking away his thoughts Daniel stood a couple of steps from the heros.

"So, what questions do you want answered."

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