Chapter Two✌

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Remade|July 9th

As the thoughts of being caught in this new era, filter Daniel's mind. He paced around his worn apartment only grabbing wants needed. And putting it in his duffle bag. Standardly- the only things he would bring were his paper's and laptop. Leaving everything else. But since the closes safe house he has, is outside of Gotham and into Star City. He'll have to bring a few extra things. They're small things. Things that help his ghostly side from being seen.

Picking up a folder- the papers in it were filled up about the GIW or their newest name, Cadmus. Danny quickly finished up everything before heading out.

The way out of the apartment complex, was slightly too boring for Danny's liking. When he told the Landlady. Yes, lady- the person who own these apartments was not a 'lord' and will never be- at that. The elderly women just waved him off- saying farewell. People like this- nice young lady.

Even if she's 'Old' she will not be as old as me. She'll die before then anyways.

Make Danny remember there is good in this world. And that good or light filled lantern will always be somewhere in this darken world. With that he made a silent note to hopefully send a Light Spirit her way.

Taking a step outside- the once night filled sky was now disappearing. Allowing the sun and bright baby blue colored sky take place. Human's were already heading to work or- doing their morning routines by now. Knowing this Daniel can already taste the morning traffic before him.

Slipping his duffle bag over his shoulder. Danny slid his hands into the jacket's pockets. Letting his hands fall loose- Danny walked away from his little broken home, and made his way to the Subway Station.

On walks like this Danny always seemed to look back and remember the good old days of Ghost fighting- and High School.

Okay, High School wasn't as 'good'. But it's still SOMETHING to remember.

As Danny started to walk deeper into the crowds filled with business women and men. The area around him started to slowly changed drastically like Amity. Danny's breath took a leap as he sworn he looked into the eyes of his dead Crush.

He felt numb. The cold reminders of the women he loved messed with his head. He knew it was too good to be true.

And he was right.

Danny speed walk, in the direction that the women went to. The hope of it being Sam seemed to fill his senses and mind. He thought she was alive again. He thought he was back in Amity. He wanted to be back in the Amity he knew. Gotham may be where Amity stood. But it is no Amity. It will never be Amity. And Danny realised that- but the thought of that women being Sam stopped him from thinking negative about it. Stopped him from knowing Amity was gone. Sam was gone. His family was gone.

The women's hair looked like Sam's. Her clothing had reminders of Sam's in it. Danny reached out to grab her shoulder. Only for another man to reach out and hug her.

It stung. It stung so much.

As the man hugged her the thoughts of Sam moving on came to mind. Sam did move on, one time. She was done waiting on Danny and was with someone for three years. For one of those years Danny didn't see Sam.

He didn't know what happen to her last lover. But he'll admit he felt relief, that they weren't together. But he still never had the guts to admit he loved her- back then.

The women broke away from the man and grabbed his hand. As the too walked off. Danny caught a glimpse of the womens face.

She wasn't Sam. He knew that in the deepest parts of his mind. But being blind to the fact that he'll never see her again faded and censored the pain for a short period of time.

He put his hand to his head, and painfully looked up to the sky. He laughed sadly, "What a painful joke." He managed to speak out into the wind. Knowing fate was against him.

Shaking his head, he again- proceeded to finish making his way to the Subway station.

There he'll wait in a train for 2 hours, before arriving in Star City. Home of Green Arrow.


"This will be your base of operation." Batman led the four boys into the center of the cave, "The five of you will work in undercover ops- for the league."

"Woohoo- wait, Five?" Wally was taken back by this discovery.

"Martian' Manhunter, Miss Martian" The Zeta tubes glowed allowing entree to the two aliens.

"Meet your fifth teammate, Miss Martin. She'll be working with you for now on." Batman took a step back letting the young heros meet.

"Ooo! This gig is getting better and better." Wally used his ability and sped towards her, "Hello there, the names Kid Flash." Wally winked.

Richard coughed before elbowing Wally, "Ouch, Oh- they're Robin, Aqualad and Superboy. But they're not important." Wally smiled letting his shiny white teeth show.

"Oh, shut it Kidflirt." Robin glared at his best friend.

"Excuse them, I'm Aqualad. Welcome to the team." Kaldur'ahm bowed his head in acknowledgment.

"Hey, Superboy. Come meet Miss Martian." Superboy scoffed at Robin before walking over.

As Superboy came over, Megan shapeshifted her shirt to look similar to Superboys. Blushing she folded her arms in shyness, "I like your shirt." Superboy gave a small smile before going back to being stoic.

"Now team." Batman called to the young heros, "I have your first mission." The Team, rotated to the mission deck. "Last night, Robin and I found large radioactive ratings from this area in Gotham." The computer behind Bruce showed the location, "As soon that it appeared it disappeared. Normally- I'll check this out myself. But seeing as Robin found the ratings. I'll leave it to you guys to go undercover and find out what caused it." Batman finished before walking towards the Zeta tubes with Martian Manhunter, "You leave tonight." With that The two leagues left.

"Score!" Wally cheered about the new mission.

Megan was about to say something but she finally took notice of another presence close by. Looking towards a dark corner. Superboy also looked over. The two saw the shape of a dark hand before it disappeared.

Looking at Superboy, Megan seemed to ask with her eye's if he saw that as well. Superboy responded by looking back at the corner.

"Well, let's get ready for our first mission." Robin chuckled.

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