Sad Akashi ( Eyes , Nose , Lips by Taeyang )

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In this chappie , Akashi might ooc (out of of character) . So enjoy . Tried to read the story while listening to the song . Sorry for the late post . I have to find an idea for this stories .

Enjoy .....


Akashi POV

It have been 2 years since she left me . The memory of her still fresh in my mind . The day we spent together since junior high school was full with bitter and sweet . Her laugh , her hair , her eyes , her lips and her teasing make me hard to forget about her . The day when she left me was the most painful thing to remember .


"Seijuroooooo - kunnnn !!!!" She ran to me and hug me as if she didn't she me for years . Although she acts so childish theres a part of her make me attached to her . "Tch , you are loud , like always . What do you want ?" I sigh .

"Ne , Sei-kun you are no fun" she making a pout face . Damn she's cute . "Ano ne , Sei-kun do you--" before she could finish her word , our coach called me to discuss our strategy for the next game . Although we , Rakuzan always win , and i'm being absolute there's no way we could lose .

"(Your name) what were you gonna talk about ?"

" u-uhmm nothing . I talk to you later . I'ts look like so important to you . Jaa nee Seijuro-kun" she kissed me on my cheeks . I was shock but i liked her soft lips touch my cheek .

I was about to go to meet our coach when i got a text from (your name) ...

From : (your name)

Subject : Meet me after school

Ne seijuro kun , could we hang out this saturday . Back then i wanna ask you about this but your couch already called you . You always seems busy and rarely hang out with me . I started to missed you already . Pretty pleaseeeeee......... (=>~<=) !!!!

Love (your name) .

Hummm maybe i should hang out with her sometimes . I need to rearranged my schedule first .

To : (your name)

Subject : Okay

I guess i could . Meet me at the central park under the street clock around 2.00 PM . Don't be late i hate waiting .

~~ The Next Day ~~

I arrived 2PM sharp . When i arrived , i saw waiting for me there .

"Hey , (your name)"

"Seijuro kun ," she run to me and hug me . I was amazed by her adorable yet beautiful looks . She wear a simple clothes yet comfortable . This is why i love to make her mine and only mine .

"Where do you want to go today ? Make sure it worth it."

"Um let's go to the carnival , i heard that there will be a firework today . I really loved to see the firework ."

"Didn't you always see the firework?"

"Yup , but i really wanted to see it with my loved ones" she said and look at me . I smiled yet noticeable by her .

"Whoa , Sei-kun y-your s-smiling ..."

"Of course i can smile , i'm a human too brat ." I looked away but i know she was overjoyed to see me smiling .

Le time skip ( i'm ran out of idea )

The time show 9.59 PM . The firework was about to started soon . I know why she wanted to ask me out , cause this day was our Anniversary . I would never forget about that . We sat at the grassy ground . Waited for the firework to lighten the dark sky with it colorful color .

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