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Sider semoga dapet hidayah:)
"woi sa!"

"waoo gelasehh"

"ini nih yang kemaren bolos"

"mangkal dimana lo kemaren?"

"nyari mati sama pak ucok ni bocah"

Iya risa baru masuk eh udah di maki maki sama temen temennya.

"kenapa bolos?"  ica nanya

"sama siapa bolosnya?" ini fayza yang nanya sambil mata nya di sipit sipitin, padahal mah gapunya mata.

"ngapain aja kemaren?" ini salma nih, udah siap siap doi buat nyeramahin risa.

"woii elah, sabar napa si" risa mulai kesel gara gara temennya pada minta di sleding si.

"diajak bolos sama kak baekhyun"


wadaww terkejoedh risa.



Yang ngerasa namanya di teriakin cuman balik badan trus nyari nyari siapa yang manggil

"eh kak canyol, ada apa?"

"dipanggil baekhyun di ruang musik"


"ha ho ha ho. Udah sana buruan"
"lo nyari gue kak?"

"sini duduk" baekhyun nepuk kursi di sebelahnya nyuruh risa duduk

Aduhh hati risa dugun dugun.
Abis dari kejadian yang baekhyun nyium risa ga pake samlikum tuh risa jadi awkward kalo ketemu doi.

Risa udah duduk disamping baekhyun, "kan lusa mau ada festival sekolah trus gue disuruh nyanyi buat ngisi acara"

Risa masih diem dengerin baekhyun ngomong, "nah gue mau lo duluan yang denger lagu ini, itung itung sekalian gue latihan soalnya ini lagu mau gue cover pake piano"

Waoo risa merasa seperti.............. Spesial kek martabak.

"e-eh tapi kak gue gabisa nyanyi"

"gue kan gak nyuruh lo nyanyi, cuman nyuruh lo buat dengerin aja. Gue tau suara lo cempreng"

Yee sialan.

▶️play yg di mulmed biar kane

It's hard to say I'm fine
When all I see is you in my mind
And I don't know why
'cause if I spend my life time with you it's clear that
A second away just fuels my fear so
I'm sorry for cutting ties
I tried

'cause when you're not here I need Novocaine or
Something else to take the pain away
You know I think about you every day
Because you're so sweet I need insulin
I'm so down to make plans again
I just need to know the where and when

It's hard to imagine
That one day you might leave
And I wanna know
If you feel the same about me
'cause I'm so in love, I can't get enough
If you feel too close, just let me know
And I'll take a step back if that's what you need
What you need, yeah

'cause when you're not here I need Novocaine or
Something else to take the pain away
You know I think about you every day
Because you're so sweet I need insulin
I'm so down to make plans again
I just need to know the where and when

'cause when you're not here I need Novocaine or
Something else to take the pain away
You know I think about you every day
Because you're so sweet I need insulin
I'm so down to make plans again
I just need to know the where and when

You're so sweet I need
You're so sweet I need Insulin
You're so sweet

Double kill! Dua kali risa di nyanyiin, dua kali juga hati risa ambyar:(

Selesai baekhyun neken tuts terakhir, doi natap mata risa lama banget
"you're so sweet i need insulin"

Udah cheesy parah blom nih? Wkwkwk

Gatau kenapa lagi seneng banget nambahin lagu lagu di chap yg mau apdet, ehe.

Semoga kelen gak bosen ya baca cerita dari hasil kegabutan gue hehe

Sekian dan terima cinta💕


cabe ;bbhTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang