It's wicked and pervers, even for you.

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The murmurs of ancient chants floated through the mind, mixing with mumbles of strange words. So difficult to hold onto the sounds, like water leaking through fingers before the hands could be raised to drink from. Likewise, intangible thoughts remained just out of reach. Only darkness and confusion remained.

Then, slowly, the pain started. Blinding, searing pain.

There was no telling the time that had passed as the pain continued to burn as fire through every possible form of existence.

It was only in the slowly diminishing power of the pain that it's complete control could be seen. So devastating was the pain that no other thought could exist. No recording of time. Not even awareness of self.

The deep gasping breath rattled as it pulled stale air into a deprived body.

Screams echoed around.

Screams that tugged at long forgotten memories.



The desperate need for revenge.


Alexandria. 220 B.C.

"Why are you to marry her?" Agathoclea simpered as she massaged the soft shoulders of her lover.

He quickly swallowed the last of the wine in his cup before motioning for more. "I've told you before. It's an old tradition of the Egyptians. One that will be continued to strengthen our rule."

"I do not approve of this." She pouted.

"Do not be jealous." He soothed. "Arsinoe will merely be my wife. She will be expected to bare me an heir. There is nothing more to it than that."

Agathoclea crossed her slender arms. "Why not marry me?"

Ptolemy pulled her around to sit in his lap. "You are not my sister. The Egyptians believe kingship is passed through the female line. Pharaohs were expected to marry their sisters or even daughters to maintain their right to the throne."

"It's wicked and perverse, even for you."

He raised a brow under his regal head of dark blonde curls. "Says the woman who captured my affections because of the level of debauchery she's capable of?"

"My brother joins us in bed, he does not seek to share my bed privately." She grinned. "He would much rather feel your powerful touch than mine." She reached to cup him.

"Yet you share me with him, and other women. In many delicious ways." He took another sip of wine as his hands slid up the woman's creamy thighs. "So, why is this a reason to worry you?"

She nuzzled into his neck as his hands found where she wanted him most. A soft moan escaped as she allowed him access to her in anyway he desired. "I don't want to lose you, my king. No man could compare to the glory and masculine vitality of the great Ptolemy, the fourth of his line, king of all Egypt, and master of my desires."

"Hmmmm, how could I part with such a naughty little treasure like you?" He removed his fingers from where they had played and licked off the moisture covering the thick appendages.

Arsinoe backed away from the doorway where she had been observing her brother's behavior. Only one year on the throne and he had practically handed power over to his favorite lover and her brother. His attention solely focused on living in constant worship of Dionysus.

Wine, sex, and splendor.

"If you don't wish to join, you shouldn't spy." Agathocles spoke behind her. Arsinoe's breath caught as she turned to see the brother of her king's mistress. Next to him stood an advisor she despised more than the pathetic siblings who offered their bodies for favor.

Sosibius was a devious man. She didn't trust him. The darker, taller and more muscled of the two men, Sosibius didn't seem to be one of Ptolemy's many lovers. Her brother prefered shorter, smaller, boys; like Agathocles. Still, the man had gained an unexpected amount of dominion over the king, her brother. It was under Sosibius's recommendations that Arsinoe had lost her beloved uncle, her brother, and even her cherished mother. Killed in the intrigues of politics. It was because of Sosibius, that she feared to turn away from her brother in his decision to take her as his wife.

Barely fifteen years of age and already planning a wedding to her own brother. A vile retch of a man who disgraced the family honor. However, with no friends or family in court for her to turn to, her life was at the whim of the two men in front of her, along with the two lovers in the next room.

A dangerous and isolating position to be in.

The Solar Princess.

A key to power, yet without the support to hold it herself.

Determination pumped through her veins. She would not let them intimidate her. She was a princess of Egypt. Daughter of Ptolemy Euergetes and Berenice. She was soon to be the Queen of Egypt. She would fight for her survival.

"I would assume that as a new priest to the Cult of Alexander the Great, you would argue for me to keep my purity until my wedding night. Royal protocol and upholding the wishes of the gods." Her words were crisp, an attempt to hide her anger and fear behind her elevated station.

"In a few weeks, you will be married and that purity will be tarnished. After that, princess, we could introduce you to a world of pleasures between your thighs." Agathocles breathed into her ear. "Until then, remember not to look in on things you don't wish to witness." His light brown eyes bright in the joy of speaking crudely to the soon-to-be-queen.

She moved quickly down the hall, yet still managed to catch the words of Sosibius just after she turned the corner. "Remember your place boy. You remain in favor because you please me. I share you with the king when he demands it. No one else. So, don't go thinking to bed the queen."

"Never." Agathocles gasped, it sounded as though the larger man held him by the throat for the way his words were forced out. "Always yours."

"Good boy."

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