I don't know what we will find.

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Luxor. 1883 A.D.

Farouk ran as soon as the train came to a stop. Thank anyone who would listen that the train station in Luxor was close to the Nile. The only obstruction were the ruins of Luxor temple. Not much of an obstruction at any rate.

"Wait up boy!" Charles called after him.

He had gained almost no sleep through the train ride from Alexandria to Luxor. Sixteen hours on that moving contraption did nothing for his nerves. He had to get there. He had to find her.

It was late at night and the ferry across the Nile would be closed, but he was sure that he could find a small boat to take him across. The tomb that had been uncovered was just outside of a small village. Not in one of the more studied areas. It made sense why he had not been able to find it before. It wasn't in an obvious location. Damn it.

"Slow down young man. I'm not as limber as you anymore." Charles breathed once he caught up. "Why are you in such a rush anyway? It's the middle of the night now. You can't get in there at this hour."

Farouk ignored his friend as he found a man down on his boat. He was desperate to get across. The man quickly agreed to the short trip across, though honestly, Farouk had no idea if he would find any other transportation on the other side. Walking would have to be fine. Though he looked at Charles. Could he handle the walk?

"Perhaps you should get a hotel room for the night. Meet me there in the morning."

Charles looked at Farouk like he had lost his mind. "You are not going barging into a dig site on my credentials without me there. We either both stay here and wait till morning or we both go."

"I don't know what we will find." Farouk breathed out.

"Then explain it to me."

The younger man shook his head. "I can't."

Charles Raymond shrugged. "Then we both go."

Farouk tried to protest. "Boy, when the British government decided to send me to Alexandria to take over the British Office of Antiquities, you were the first one to step up and make sure that I was safe and that I knew where I was going. You are a good man. And if you feel a need to get there, then we go. I trust you on this. Besides, it's the first spot of adventure I've had in a long while. And I've always enjoyed a good long walk in the morning."

"The time is two in the morning." Farouk added.

"See, still morning then." Charles grinned and stepped down to the boat.


Farouk was surprised that Charles walked as far as he did without complaint, through the cool November night air. Though as they drew closer to the village they were heading to, he heard screaming.

His heart plummeted. Please, he couldn't be too late.

The pounding of his shoes as he ran down the dirt roads was all but drowned by the sounds of more screams.

Then, he saw her.

Barely able to walk, dragging a damaged leg where it looked like she had crushed her hip. The once pristine linen strips had aged to delicate fibers, breaking as she moved, splitting and crumbling in the modern air. Pieces fell from her bandaging every few steps.

He was torn into so many emotions. Fear. Fear for her. Worry. Relief. Love.


Her head turned toward him. No expression could be seen, yet her head tilted in confusion.

A home near her burned as she passed by. Her focus redirected. Her movements flashed into angry bursts as her rough and gasping voice called out for her son. The locals never understood. Her use of Ancient Greek and heavily damaged voice left women to scream that she was cursing them. Men ran to throw things at her. The worst was the blanket on fire.

Farouk tried to get to her. To save her. Anything.

There were just too many people in the way.

Her bandages were too dry and easy to spark.

The flames engulfed her in seconds.

Farouk screamed out in pain as he watched Arsinoe burn in front of him.

He couldn't let her go. He couldn't let her suffer alone.

He tackled her to the ground and did everything he could to put out her flames as they spread across his own clothes.

Then, darkness took over.

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