We'll both be dead.

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Luxor area. 1883 A.D.

Arsinoe managed to claw away scraps of fabric over her eyes. The dim light of the room did little to sooth her raw nerves.

The flickering lamps hurt her head, making her squeeze her eyes shut for a while. Only then did she realize where she was. Opening her eyes once more, she saw the undecorated walls of a tomb. The stone sarcophagus to the side was adorned with painted spells. Little else filled the room.


Why would she wake in a tomb?

She looked down, the decrepit wrappings of mummification bound her shape. By Serapis, what happened?

In fear, she fled. As fast as her injured legs would carry her.

She needed to find help.

She needed to find her son... her son!

The memories crashed once again.


Alexandria. 210 B.C.

Delicate fingers grazed over the rough skin where lion claws had carved out such perfect Egyptian flesh.

"What makes you worry so?" He asked as he kissed her temple lightly.

Arsinoe looked up to her handsome lover. Ankhmakis had gained glory on the battlefield once he could rejoin the fight. Sosibius had returned to the tent after he was sure the battle was in full heat, allowing the guard to join his men on the field. He had fought bravely and saved the life of one of the Greek generals, even after taking an arrow to his groin. He gained their respect.

And with the wound, it was assumed that he could no longer maintain male fertility. A rather short sighted assumption that he didn't bother to dispel when Sosibius suggested that he join the queen's personal guard.

As much as she resisted, he eventually won her heart. Their secret meetings late at night were her most cherished moments.

She kissed his warm, salty chest, covered in the light perspiration of their prior activities.

His calloused fingers slid across her jaw to lift her face toward his. "Please tell me. You only explore my scars when you are heavy with worry."

The queen grinned. He knew her too well. Through the years, he had come to mean so much to her.

"I am with child." She whispered.

He tensed under her.

It took all of her strength to say the words she needed to say. "I am terrified. I was with Ptolemy at least once a month, as you suggested. To keep the suspicion down on our union. And you have been careful to not spill your seed within me. Still, I am uncertain of who the father of the child is. If the child is yours..."

Ankhmanis squeezed her tightly. "We will face that when it happens. You know that I would take you from here if you wish it. There is a movement of the Egyptian soldiers from the battle with Antiochus, those trained and left under foot of your brother and his masters. They talk of rising against the foreign rule."

She looked up. She was a daughter of Ptolemy. She was Greek. It was her family that ruled.

He shook his head. "I do not side with those soldiers. I would never do anything to hurt you. Yet, I can't pretend to support your brother. Less since I have been here, in the palace, to see their spoils of splendor at the devastation of the people. I am horrified by how they treat you. They are not gods as they think, but vile men and women who spend all of their time in the throes of sexual depravity without love or honor."

"Then what are you saying." She was hesitant.

"I am saying that if the child is mine. I would wish to be father to it. I would wish to take you with me, start a family together, under the protection of the soldiers who chose to fight your brother. If you stay, we will both be dead."

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