The Monster: The 7th Avenger

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Chapter 1


    I woke up with a start beacause of my really annoying alarm, it wouldn't shut up! So as usuall, I picked it up and threw it at the wall, I went over and picked it up and placed it at the back of my closet with the rest of them, and since I was there I got out my S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform and placed it on my bed before getting a quick shower. I should probally do some explaning: my name is Nemisis Scarlette Maria Guant Mortem. I know a bit of a mouthful bit my friends call me Nem or Scar for short. I'm 24 years old, and I've been with S.H.I.E.L.D. since I was 8. I was taken in by a man named Phil Coulson when he was called in to inspect a freak electrical storm to find that I was the cause of it. You see my parents were scientist, some of the best actually, but I was their test subject, an unwilling test subject. They were working on enhancing human DNA, so now I can control and create fire, ice and snow and electricity. I can also teleport and read minds, which comes in handy, also I have large, black angel wings which I can hide in tattoo form.

    Ever since I was 10 I was trained to learn how to control my powers and use them for good. But every now and again, when someone would make me mad, I would lose it. It was normaly in school and I managed to control myself to using only electricity and telepathy (mind reading and control). Then the names came, one day when I lost it the entier school corridor was surging with electricity, so much you could see it running through the lockers, and of course everyone blamed it on me, I know it was me, but still.

    Anyway, as I got out of the shower and dried myself off I got a call from Director Fury. "Director Fury. Not to sound rude but, why are you calling me?" I asked

"Agent Mortem, I need you to come in for something, it is of great importance." He replied in his mechanical, commanding voice.

"Of course sir. I'll be there in 20 minuetes." I replied obediently like they teach you to at S.H.I.E.L.D.

After hanging up the phone I put my belt on and placed my guns into the along with 2 straped to my legs. I jumped in my black ferrari and drove towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. hellicarier and made my way to the controle room to be met with a very strange sight indeed. The Avengers. Everyone knows who they are after all they did save New York and possibly the entire world. I personally don't have a problem with any of them, except Captain America. I hate him. I was part of the team involved in welcoming him to modern day America. The reason I hate him is simple: he is arrogant. The way he talked to me when I was trying to train him and help him is unbelievable. He talked to me like I knew nothing and that he was better than me. One day I snaped. Big style. My whole body was set on fire, the room froze and surrged with electricty and my eyes went black. Now he is terrified of me. And that is just the way I like it.

After saying hello to everyone and giving the Captain a death glare I asked Director Fury why he called me in, his reply was probally the most shocking thing I have ever heard. "I would like you to join The Avengers." At that  my mind started racing with questions What if I get killed? Why is he asking me? Would I be able to stand spending almost everyday near the Captain? Would I be able to stand any of it? I mentally shook my head to clear my thoughts, then replied "Director, I do not think that is a wise decision."

"Why not?"

"Director, you are aware of my past, and that day that was caused by Captain Rogers," with that I gave him another death glare "So because of that I do not think it would be wise." I finished.

"Oh, come on Nem, it would be fun, plus we're all friends here." Stark chimed in.

"Excuse me? Did you just say we were all friends here? 'Cos the way I remember it is that you are an egotistical jerk. And it's Agent Mortem to you." I snapped back.

"Hey, I'm only sayin'. And what's your problem, why do you always act like that?"

"My problem is you lot! You think your better than everyone else 'cos you have 'special powers'! Well news flash your not the only ones! And I'm sick and tired of you leaving me out 'cos you think I can't handle myself because I'm a woman!" Okay nows he's done it, anymore and I'm gonna snap, infact I can feel my eyes going black already.

"Thats because you're not as good as us! You're just an unwanted little kid pretending to be all grown up! You're just a freak of nature! A MONSTER! " He shouted back. Okay that's it if I don't leave now I'm gonna do something I will regret.

"I AM AS GOOD AS YOU! INFACT I'M BETTER THAT YOU! Lets put it this way: when I'm mad; even demons run and hide." I replied, the last part in a quiet, intimidating voice, and with that I left so I didn't do somthing I would regret later.

"Really Fury! You want her?!" I heard Stark shouting at Fury as I was leaving

"Mr.Stark! Sit your ass down now! She is one of the best agents we have and she is definatly better than you! So shut up and listen!" Director Fury shouted at Stark as I was leaving, that made a small smile creep up to my face but it soon vanished as I started crying. Luckily I ran into Agent Ward on my way out.

"Nem? What's wrong?" He asked with worry laced through his voice

"Fury just called me in asked me to be part of The Avengers." I replied

"That's great, Coulson will be so happy for you."

"I know, its just something Stark said, thats all." I said not wantng to worry him anymore

"What did he say? Nem, what did he say?" He asked, I could hear all the worry in his voice

"He, he called me a freak of nature, a, a monster." I stuttered, and as I said the word 'monster' even more tears spilled out of my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. Come here." He pulled me into a comforting hug to try and calm me down, and it worked, my breathing and heart beat both became normal.

"Come on, I think I need to have a word with Mr.Stark."

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