Chapter 5

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A/N: Here's that extra chapter I promised!

    I got told to meet Director Fury with the rest of the team on the bridge at the huge glass table their normally at. I was wondering ever since I got here Where's Dr.Banner? Where's the Hulk? I decided to get answers to my questions later since I had more important things to worry about.

    And as if on que when I got there Dr.Banner was there.

"You must be Dr.Banner, I'm Agent Nemisis Scarlette Maria Guant Mortem, but my friends call me Nem or Scar for short. I heard you're an amazing scientist. I was wonder if you could help me with some stuff I've been working on myself."

"Is that all you've heard about me?" he asked nervously

"All I heard that I care about."

"Well then I would love to help you." he replied with relief in his voice

"Thank you, Dr.Banner."

"Alright people. Sit." Director Fury said as he came in "I believe you've all met Agent Mortem." he continued "Well she is now the 7th Avenger"

"WHAT!?! Did I just hear you right?!" Stark shouted, at this I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes

"You heard me correctly. She is now an Avenger and will be working with you from now on."

"No way! Not gonna happen! She can't control herself!"

"I can control myself perfectly fine Mr.Stark." I chimed in

"Really? Not from what I saw. So, prove it."

"Put on the suit and I will."

"Prove it." I looked at Fury as if asking for permision, he must have know because he walked up to me "It's okay, Agent Mortem. Remember what I said in my office." he whispered to me, and at the last part I couldn't stop an evil smirk coming onto my face

"Alright Stark. But don't blame me for your inguries." I told Stark. In one hand I made a fire ball, in the other I made an ice ball. I threw the ice and instantly made electrity in that hand. I then threw fire, then electricty. I got out my wings and circled Stark from the air then did a flying kick to his chest, causing him to go flying backwards into the wall. I landed back near my seat, put my wings back into tattoo form and sat down. Everyone was looking at me shocked, I just had a smirk on my face. "Agent Mortem, you may leave if you wish too. All I will now do is tell the Avengers about your powers and how you got them if thats okay." Fury said about a minuete later, breaking the silence.

"Thank you Director." I stood up to leave and went over to where Stark landed, not surprised to find him still laying there. I held out my hand to help him up. Once he was safely on his feet I turned to leave. As I was leaving I heard the rest of the team teasing Stark about the fact that he just got his ass whooped by a girl.

    As I was walking back to my room I bumped into Ward. When he saw it was me he just ignored me and carried on walking.

"Ward, wait!" I called after him, I had to grab his arm to get him to stop.

"Ward, please. Ever since you kissed me you've been avoiding me, and it's killing me. Why have you been avoiding me?" I pratacaly begged.

"Can we talk about this in your room, somewhere where no one will hear us?"

"Yeah, sure."

    When we reached my room I realised it was dark, which ment it must have been late because it was Mid-June.

"Come on Ward. Why have you been avoiding me?" He looked so sad. So defeated.

"I've not been ignoring you, I've been trying to ignore the way I feel when I'm around you. Up until that day when Stark called you a Monster I've been able to ignore them, but seeing you like that; so broken that you believed it. It made me realise that I can't ignore them, it made me realise that all I want to do is keep you safe. Nem, I love you."

"Ward, why didn't you say so instead of hiding?"

"Because in this job falling in love is dangerous. It's a weakness."

"Then we can be in danger together."

"What do you mean?"

"I love you too, Ward." He walked towards me and stopped inches away from my face

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear those words from you." Before I knew it he closed the gap between us and his lips crashed onto mine. It was like the first time but a million times better. It was more relaxed now that we knew how we both felt.

I never believed that there could be a kiss that would make the rest of the world disappear, but it was happening to me right now. We pulled away when we needed to breath. We both started smiling like cheshire cats.

"Come on, you need to sleep."

"Fine." I said like a little kid.

A/N: Sorry this is really long, I just got so cought up I didn't know when to stop. But I have already wrote the next chapter and it's really short because I got writers block. So in advance; Sorry!


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