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I, Qerinza Dexorio, have frustratingly, dissapointingly, and royally fucked up. I can't believe I did that. Where was the presence of my brain during those moments? What to do? What to do? I'll get tied up in the air if my parents find out about this. I'll probably be banished or something. If they ever do, please don't send me off to Venus. That place's nasty.

You're probably wandering who are 'they'. They're the guardians. They're the ones who manage our world. They're like the goverment, but no corrupt politicians or whatsoever. Now, the big question is, who are we? We're the decolinate. We're people with different abilities, and the people who've seen what we truly are, call us monsters. Maybe we are monsters.

We share this world with humans. But we don't show ourselves to them. It's the biggest rule in our world, 'Never show yourselves to a mortal.', the rule which I have broken. And how did I break it? Well, let me take you to a time.... a few hours ago.

Walking down the dark alley was nothing new. In fact, I had to do this everyday. 'Avoid humans', 'stay in the dark', and such. Everyone in my clan had to follow these specific rules in order to be in the good side of the guardians. They could either banish you or torture you. All because of a simple rule broken. And I don't plan on being banished to Venus any time soon.


"Let go of me!"

A voice not too far away was heard. In normal cases, I would've just walked off and continued my day like I've never heard anything. But today was a different day, though. I was feeling energized and I wanted some fun. So me being me, dashed off to where the noise was, but of course, being careful to stay in the dark. I listened carefully to their conversations and waited for the perfect moment to pounce like an cheetah on standby.

"No, no pretty boy. I won't be going until you give me every single penny in that tiny little pocket of yours."

A short looking man gripped the collar of the shirt that belonged to a... breathtaking man. He was ethereal. His beauty was undeniable. Ugh, Qer, stop thinking like this towards a man! You know better than to fall in love with someone that isn't your species. That's againsts the rules! Snapping back to reality, you realized that the short man and the handsome one were in a dangerous position. The short man's hands were screwed tight on the other man's neck and he looked as if he could barely breathe.

Instinctively, you used your power to seperate the two males. Subconciously, you didn't realize you were out of the shadows until the ethereal man looked at you with surprise in the eye. In that moment, you felt as if you were splashed with ice cold water and immediately jumped in the darkness. During those moments, there was only one thing in your mind.

"I'm fucked, aren't I?"

"Shit, shit, shit! How the fuck am I supposed to fix it now? Qer, you really messed up big time. Your parents probably have heard of the news and worse, the guardians too!"

I walked on the way home cursing the handsome man that made me forget all my rationality. You're fucked already, Qer. You don't have time to be oogling on some man that's probably afraid of you now. You gotta focus on your problems first.

As you neared the Dexorio household, you couldn't help but feel petrified because of the events a few hours ago. It's impossible if they haven't heard of the news yet. Rumors travel fast in our world, much if it's news.

Well here goes nothing. I hope I live to tell what happens next. It would be a waste wouldn't it?

Chamber Of Monsters [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now