Magical Potion

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I slept all throughout the entire drive. I was awoken when my luggage were being thrown out of the carriage. The least they can do is treat my things properly.

"This is where you'll be staying. But everything comes with a price. You'd have to work hard to pay for the rent. But don't worry, the guardians got it covered. They recommended you to someone they know, and you'll be working in an office. Remember the rules, Qerinza Dexorio. And try your best not to violate any more."

The guard spoke in a mocking tone, accompanied by a smirk. He then got on the carriage and sped off, careful to keep in the dark to avoid any mortals discovering our society any further.

The place they left me to was pretty decent. It looked more of a 3-star hotel. And a job as an office worker? This ain't so bad. Except for the no powers and such. I'm not so worried about my appearances anymore. The guardians provided a potion that enhances my human-like features. The veins in my face were no longer visible, therefore, making me look as human as possible.

I entered the building and went to the reception center. The inside of the building was eye-catching! Its beauty captured my eyes and I was stuck in a daze.

"Miss? Are you here to book a room?"

A small voice cut my little moment and I turned to look at where it was coming from. I saw a small young lady who looked in her mid-twenties. This time, she gazed at me in surprise.

"Uhm, yes. I am. My name is Qerinza Dexorio. I was booked here a day ago."

Confused by her lack of reaction, I realized she was still staring at me in surprise.

"Is there something on my face?"

I asked her confused. Are my veins popping back? How about my eyes? Are they turning back to their original color? Anxiousness was filling my head as she hasn't moved a muscle. I clicked my two fingers and that seemed to get her down to earth.

"Oh no, maam. I was just stunned. Your beauty is captivating!"

Beauty? What beauty? I look like a monster for sure. Well, those were my exact thoughts until the receptionist told me to face a mirror.

I was stunned myself. I couldn't believe my eyes. The guardians didn't only give me a potion that reduces my veins and changes my eye color, it made me look human with a very ethereal face.

"So is this the initial reaction of mortals when they see someone like me?"

I told the receptionist. She looked at me confused and replied,

"Mortals? Aren't you human too?"

That question made me recall what I had said to the receptionist. And when I did, I realized my mistake.

"Uh, yes! Definitley! J-Just, a little confused, that's a-all."

I answered with a sheepish smile. I can't get caught on the first day! With the way I'm going now, I won't last a week! If they find out what I am, they'll boil me to death for sure.

Lucky for me, she didn't give my mistake much thought and guided me to my room for the time being.

"It says here you'll be staying for a year and a half? Well this ain't going to be easy ma'am. You'll have to work hard for the rent.

"Don't worry, I got a job down the street."

Recalling what the guardians told me a day ago, I realized they were talking about the building down the street.

Her eyes widened and her face contorted into a look of confusion.

"Down the street? But that's Ordioses Inc.! The CEO of that company is one of the most successful bachelors of the business world! How on earth did you ever get in? I heard that getting into Ordioses is definitley not easy."

What have the guardians done now? I mean, it's not like I'm not thankful, but I know that the guardians ALWAYS make one's life miserable. Right now, I'm waiting for their next move. And that's hard to tell.

"Alright ma'am. Hope you enjoy your stay! Please do tell me if you need any assistance. I'm right downstairs most of the time."

The receptionist said with a warm smile.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name. What is it?"

She looked back and showed her charming set of teeth.

"Cherish. That's my name."


Chamber Of Monsters [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now