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Today was the day I'd have to set foot in Ordioses Inc.. I lifted myself off my sleeping position and headed to the bathroom to freshen up and shower.

Once I was finished, I changed into comfortable work clothes and marched down the street.

A couple blocks away from the building, I stopped and observed my surroundings. The atmosphere doesn't feel right. Instead of its natural light feeling, it felt heavy and tainted. This was not a common feeling since I only experience this whenever my surroundings give off a slight warning. A warning that something irreversible was bound to happen. But the question is... what will happen?

I decided to just let it slip. Maybe I was wrong? But at the same time, my instinct is never wrong. I proceeded walking towards the building, my senses on the highest level. I can't afford to be ambushed again. But strangely, I feel like it's not an ambush. I should stop being paranoid. I can't look like a crazy woman on my first day. Heck, even the slightest movement or noise makes me snap my head at the direction from where it's coming from.

More and more thoughts flooded my head, making me surprised when I finally realized I had arrived at the building. Cherish was right, the building was huge! It had an enchanting charm that makes every single person who steps foot into this building stop and stare. But the feeling of discomfort intensified. Were rogues going to attack this building? I can't save all of them. There's too many civillians. If I could only use my powers, this would've been easier.

But I couldn't dwell on the dangerous atmosphere. I was here to work and get paid. I need the money. I badly need the money.

"Ms.? I'm sorry but, what's your business here?"

A man, clearly someone who works here, asks me curiously as he eyed me up and down. He hasn't seen me before so I guess it's an obvious reaction.

"Uhm.. I'm supposed to be working here? It's my first day. I was assigned here by the guar--- uh my previous boss."

Woh. Close one.

"Oh? Well you should approach the secretary. She probably has your name written in her list and she'll be the one to assign you."

So secretaries assign people now? I never knew that.

"Thanks! I guess I'll see you around?"

I said to the man. He looks friendly and he seems like he could help me.

"Sure. I'm an office worker. So I'll be in the 3rd floor. See you around."

I smiled at him, but then realized that I didn't know his name.

"Sorry, but I hadn't catched your name. I'm Qerinza Dexorio."

He had a slight smirk, almost invisible, but I had catched it. It only made my doubts worsen.

"Johann. Johann Pauls."

I smiled timidly and waved goodbye. Something's definitley going to happen today.

I quickly walked to the secretary's office. Well not really. It took me a while to figure out where it was since this building really needed a map.

When I was infront of the office, I knocked 3 times and allowed myself to enter. I was greeted by a woman in her mid 40's. She, unlike Cherish, was a grumpy woman who needed to learn how to smile once in a while.

"And what may I do for you?"

She said in a bored tone. She sounded like she didn't want to be here.

"I'm Qerinza Dexorio, and I have been assigned here by my previous boss."

"Qerinza, ey? Sorry to say sweet cheeks, but your name isn't found on my list. You have no business here. Guards!"

Suddenly, two guards ascorted me out of the room dragging me using both of my arms.

"Wait! Wait! This is absurd! I was assigned here! You can't just drag me out! Hey! Stop!"

All my protests were in vain seeing as they paid no attention to my whines and pleas.

That was--- until they stopped infront of a, devilishly perfect... young man? He looked a couple years older, his aura intimidating.

"Goodmorning, sir."

The two guards greeted the man. He aknowledged them and turned to look at me. He looked as if he was analyzing me.

"What've we got here now?"

He asked the two guards.

"Well sir, Ma'am Sheila told us to escort her out of the building. Turns out, she was assigned here but didn't show up at Ma'am Sheila's list."

He looked at me and what he said next left me in shock.

"Give her to me. I think I know where she's assigned."

The two guards looked hesitant but gave up later on. I was forced to follow the mysterious hot man into his office. Who was he? And why did the guards show him too much respect?

The only way to find my answers is to follow him. And so I did. I followed him right to the very top of the building. The walk was a little bit uneasy because, I mean, I'm following a guy whom I barely know of! He could kill me for goodness' sake! But lil' old me followed him anyway.

When we got into the office, he sat right at his chair and told me to sit across him. I occupied the chair and looked at him as he rummaged to multiple files in his drawer.

When he found what he was looking for, he glanced at me and asked for my name.

"Q-Qerinza Dexorio, sir."

He hummed in response and browsed the file. He stopped and turned to look at me fully. Then he gave me a slight smirk and said,

"Qerinza Dexorio? Well, you'll be working for me now. And as you have noticed, I'm the CEO here, and I'd appreciate it if you cooperate nice and easy. Ey?"

Now I know what the warnings were for. It all connected to this scene. Because heck, I was falling for this guy faster than a sky diver without a parachute.

Chamber Of Monsters [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now