Starting Adventure

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I was paralyzed for a while. I didn't think that the guardians would actually do this. But what did I expect? After violating their 'treasured' law, they'd shower me with sunshines and rainbows? I think the fuck not.

I looked to my left and saw my mom flowing with tears. Surprisingly, dad was beside her, and he was crying too. My dad never cries. Was I this important to them? Then again, I was too dumb to notice the way they treat me right.

"You're banished from this world for a year and a half. You will be living with mortals, but with an exception. You aren't allowed to use your powers at all during that time. If you ever do, your parents would be the ones to pay for your fault."

The eldest guardian said. No powers? This is going to be a booooring period of time.

"You will live, like a human. No powers, and no affectionate feelings towards humans. You absolutely cannot fall inlove with someone who's not your kind."

How ironic. I get banished from my world but still have to follow their rules. This is like living in decolinate prison.

"Your luggage will be taken out tomorrow. But do not worry, your stay is covered. Case dismissed."

Let's try our luck on a different atmosphere, hm?

Once I reached home, my parents brought me close to them and embraced me tight.

"Marlvick, I can't lose our daughter. We must do something to convince the guardians to let her stay!"

My mother hysterically pleaded my father to do something about this current situation I'm in.

"Quen, you know that the guardian's words are final. We can't do anything but wish our daughter goodluck. Now come on, help me pack her things."

It took a minute before mom calmed down and agreed to what dad was saying. She ushered me to go with her upstairs to grab some clothes.

"Baby, the human realm won't be easy. You'd have to create a barrier between your rational thoughts and the situation you're in. Think quickly and wisely. That world is different. The mortals aren't the only creatures you should be worried about. The creatures there are different. They aren't like us. If you think we're monsters, they're worse. So never let your guard down. Alright?"

"Yes mom. I hope to see you again after this. Please wait for me. And I expect a little feast once I come back."

I tried to smile, greatly aware of what's going to happen after I close my eyes tonight.

"Will do, sweetheart."

And with that, I felt contented. My mother's heartwarming smile was enough for me to last a year and a half. My dad's support would be the reason I open my eyes tomorrow. When I get back, I'm going to be the best child you'd ever have. And I'm going to make things right.

"Sweetheart, wake up. Qerinza?"

My mother's voice awoke me from my deep sleep. I smiled widely at seeing her face. My mother was always a captivating beauty. Suddenly, a loud knock was filling my ears. My smile quickly faded after knowing the things that I'd have to do today.

"Ms. Qerinza Dexorio? It's time to go."

I opened my eyes and took a last glance at my surroundings. I'd see you in a year and a few months.

I quickly took a shower and got myself dressed. When I looked outside, my luggage was already there.

I was about to go until my father signaled me to come close to him.

"Qer, always remember, stay safe and alert. This is just the beginning of your adventure."

And with that, I left for the mortal world.

Chamber Of Monsters [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now