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"Sir, what am I supposed to do as your assistant?"

I asked him as he walked around the office, taking things he needed.

"Well, you have to accompany me in every meeting I will attend. Sometimes, you must have to buy me lunch for I eat here in the office whenever I haven't completed my assignments. But don't worry, you'll be paid well. Very well, infact. $25,000 every month."

My mouth was agape after the last words escaped his mouth. $25,000 was too much. Far too much. And I get paid by just following him and taking his orders? This is one nice company. I've gotta thank the guardians for this. But I don't think this luxury will last. I gotta brace myself for something big.

"I have one last question, sir."

I asked my boss. He looked at me, irked at my sudden remark. He probably was surprised that I had enough courage to ask him a question.

"Sure, what is it?"

"When do I start?"

He smiled and turned his attention to his watch.

"If you can, you may start now. Now come and follow me."


Following Mr. Ordioses was a challenge, no doubt. He has meetings and new destinations every hour. I suddenly feel like his tail.

Not that I was complaining though, his side profiles and back views were breathtaking. I was just thankful that I was discreet enough for him to not notice. Well, hopefully he didn't pretend to not notice. It would be embarrasing knowing that your boss caught you staring at him.

We went back to his office, gathering the things he took from various places and placed them on his desk. I stood there awkwardly observing his movements when he finally noticed my presence.

"Are you just gonna stand there? You're dismissed for now, Ms. Qerinza. Report to me when I call you."

It took me a while to process what he said and when I did, I dashed off quickly out of his office. But before I even placed my hand on the door's knob, I felt a disturbing aura coming from the office. Rogue.

Where can this be coming from? I looked at every corner of the room and saw nothing. I placed my eyes under Mr. Ordioses' desk, over it, and even walked slowly to see anything behind him. But all my attempts to find where the strange aura was coming from was in vain.

"Ms. Qerinza, is anything wrong?"

I turned a full 360° and still saw nothing. I was desperate. There is too many people in this building. If it's a rogue, I have to destroy it now. I can't let it cause chaos here.

"Ms. Qerinza. Are you alright?"

Where? Where? Where? I walked over to the window and looked down. I was getting paranoid with every minute.

"Ms. Qerinza!"

When Mr. Ordioses shouted, the growing tension in the air snapped and vanished. Along with that, my attention transferred to him.

"I asked you if you were alright. What's going on?"

Then I had realized that I spaced off infront of him and walked around in his office without HIS permission.

My serious expression changed into a shocked one when my brain processed what happened to my surroundings while I was in a little mind battle.

"O-Oh yes sir, everything's fine. I just felt a little unwell and I had to walk around to ease it. I'm sorry for any disturbances caused, sir. As you said, I'll be going now."

This time, I really walked out of his office.

But that didn't answer anything. Why did I feel a strong aura in Mr. Ordioses' office? It can't be him himself. That's impossible. Or is it? We never know. You might just be making up stories in your head for you can't accept him being a rogue.

Shut up, mind. I'm not making stories. I'm just being rational. An owner of a big company won't be a rogue. I'm sure of it.

But why is it whenever he looks at me, I can't decipher what his eyes mean. He could be looking at me with hate. But then again, what if he actually likes me now?


My first day was hectic. I couldn't quite figure out what happened after the office incident. It's like I went home, forgetting the other events that happened right after I exited the office.

I sat down on my bed and began thinking. Where was that rogue? Mr. Ordioses? Definitley not. If he was a rogue, how could he resist the people walking in and out of his building every day? Last time I checked, rogues' resistance was low concerning living beings and have a sudden urge to tear down whatever stands.

And if he was, his company would crumble. But let's think differently. If it isn't Mr. Ordioses, then it must be a rogue near the office. It can't be somewhere inside. I looked at every place hideable, but it wouldn't be enough to fully cover a rogue.

The puzzles just don't fit. And why was it when Mr. Ordioses shouted, the aura suddenly stopped and vanished?

I should take a break. This is getting to much in one day. But there's definitley one thing for sure. Mr. Ordioses may or may not be part of this. But he will be dragged into this if I don't figure out things quick enough.

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