didn't lose

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mentions mpreg. please don't be rude if you don't like that concept. also, i don't know a lot about soccer/football so just bear with me

"hey, baby. how did your game go?" luke called as he heard the front door shut.

he didn't get a response, and that worried him a bit. he walked out of the kitchen, and saw michael setting things down by the door.

"everything okay?" luke asked quietly.

"we lost. it was just by like 3 but we still lost." michael mumbled.

it was michael's senior year of college, and luke knows how bad michael wanted this season to go well.

"oh, baby. it's alright. i'm sure you guys still did amazing." luke said, his chest pressed to michael's. he ran a hand through the other boy's freshly showered hair.

"stop that.." michael mumbled, and luke furrowed his eyebrows.

"no. even though you didn't win, i know you still did your best, and that's amazing, michael. don't be mean to yourself." luke told him, and michael sighed.

"if we had won, we would've went to the championship, luke. and if we had won that, then it would've been almost guaranteed that i would be looked at for a national team. luke, baby, i know you're trying to help but i just lost a lot. i could've traveled all over the country and gone to other places, and- this just sucks so bad." michael said quietly, and luke frowned.

"you would've traveled a lot, huh?" luke asked, and michael nodded.

"yeah, and i was gonna have to talk to you about that because i know it would mean some time apart, but now we don't have to worry about it." michael said sadly, and luke wrapped his arms around michael's waist.

"well, you know i think everything happens for a reason, michael.." luke said quietly, and michael rolled his eyes a bit.

"yeah i know, but please tell me how this is good, luke." michael said softly.

"well, i'm sure it would be really hard for both of us if you were gone all of the time-"

"yeah but we could've worked it out. you could've come with me-"

"not with a baby on the way."

michael stopped talking and just looked down at luke. he looked for any sign of 'just kidding!' on luke's face.

"what?" michael whispered calmly.

"i went to the doctor a couple days ago because i wasn't feeling so good. we're having a baby, michael.." luke said, smiling with little tears poking at his eyes.

"you're kidding..." michael said.

"i'm not.." luke said, causing michael to smile so brightly. he picked luke up, and spun him around as they both let tears run down their cheeks.

"baby- i- i love you." michael cried, setting luke down.

"i love you, too, michael." luke laughed, and kissed the older boy's lips.

"see, does a soccer team seem so great now?" luke asked, and michael looked down at him.

"does what sound- oh- oh the team- no. i don't care. i'm gonna be a dad." michael said, holding luke's face in his hands.

luke smiled, and michael looked down at luke's stomach.

"you know how i was complaining about looking a little bigger?" luke asked, and michael nodded.

"i'm 17 weeks already, and you can see her..." luke said, and michael looked up at him quickly.

luke saw tears forming in his eyes again.

"what?" luke asked quickly, his hand on michael's face.

"her?" michael asked quietly.

luke smiled, and let michael pick him up again. michael held him so tight.

"i couldn't wait to find out." luke said, and michael sat him down, pressing kisses all over his face.

"we're gonna have a little princess." michael whispered, and luke smiled.

michael held luke's hand, and led him up to their bedroom. he laid luke gently on the bed, and pushed his shirt up, revealing his swollen stomach.

he laid down beside luke, his head beside luke's stomach as he traced little shapes over it. he pressed a small kiss to it, and smiled.

"she's gonna be so beautiful, just like you..." michael whispered, and luke turned on his side, leaving michael face to face with his growing abdomen.

"i think she'll have your eyes." luke whispered.

"really?" michael asked, wrapping his arms around luke, snuggling into him and the baby.

"yeah. but i think she'll have my hair." luke said, and michael smiled.

"little blonde curls..." michael whispered, smiling as he tried picturing what she would look like. "...she's gonna be so sassy just like you. and she's gonna do that thing where she turns one of her feet in when she stands still for a minute, and- and she's gonna laugh without making any sound for a second just like you do. her eyes will crinkle up, and you'll see this huge smile right before she gives the most adorable laugh in the world. i hope she has your dimples too. i can't wait, luke."

"me neither, baby.." luke said, closing his eyes in comfort as michael pressed small kisses to his stomach.

"can i sleep right here tonight?" michael asked, and glanced up.

"of course you can." luke said softly, running his hands through michael's hair.

michael snuggled into luke's stomach, closing his eyes. it was only 9 p.m. but he didn't want to be doing anything else.

"i love you, luke. more than anything in the world." michael whispered.

"i love you, too."

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