The Making Of... - Chapter 51 - Greenstone

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The Making of…

Chapter 51


“Rise and shine beautiful!” Viggo sang cheerfully in my ear as I rolled over and buried myself in the duvet of his bed.

“Five more minutes…” I sighed sleepily, rubbing my tired eyes with the heel of my hand. I heard him set something down on the bedside table, and a second later the aroma of fresh coffee hit my nose – coaxing me out of my duvet-cave. I sat up and kicked the covers off as I reached for my coffee mug. “You’re awfully chipper this morning.” I commented as he smiled at me from where he was leaning against the kitchen sink, sipping his own coffee.

“Have you forgotten what day it is?”

“Uh… Tuesday?” I questioned, tousling my bed head as he laughed.

“Guess again.” He smirked as I sipped the hot coffee. I already knew why he was excited, today he was going to film a scene involving Aragorn floating down a river – and that scene would be joined to the scene we did all those months ago back on the Rivendell set, our first kissing scene. Our first kiss. Why he was so hyper about it was beyond me.

“Honestly, you have the mental age of a five year old.” I sighed, swinging my legs out of bed and standing. “I’d have thrown you in a river long ago if I knew it would make you this cheerful.” I set down my mug and stretched my arms above my head, my vest top rising up over my stomach as I did so. I didn’t even realise that Viggo had approached me until he had wrapped his arms around my waist. As I brought my arms down I draped them around his neck and smiled at him.

“You’re so cute.” He grinned as I blushed and ducked my head in embarrassment.

“Shut up…” I mumbled half-heartedly, playfully shoving his shoulder.

“So are you coming today or what?” He asked, diverting the subject back to his scene.

“I suppose…” I shrugged. He’d been begging me to come along all week, and I’d always intended to go, but it was rather fun making him wait.

“Awesome.” He beamed adorably, leaning forwards to kiss the tip of my nose. “Shall we then?”

“Yeah ok.” I smiled, untangling myself from his arms and disappearing into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stepped in as Viggo knocked on the door.

“Don’t use up all the hot water!” He reminded me as I laughed and bit my lip. “And don’t use all my shampoo!”

“Alright, don’t get your panties in a twist…” I called back as I scrubbed my hair and rinsed out the suds before shutting off the water. I grabbed a clean towel and wrapped it around myself as I opened the door. “I take less time than you do…” I muttered as he grinned and slipped past me. I walked over to the corner where I kept my pile of clothes - I was slowly moving into his trailer, and at the same time Viggo was slowly moving into mine. I picked out my dark blue skinny jeans and a fitted olive green shirt and quickly dried myself off as I heard him turn on the shower. I changed into my fresh clothes and buttoned up my shirt, leaving the top two undone as Viggo walked back in with a towel wrapped around his waist, another one draped over his head and a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. “You’re such a girl.” I teased as I towelled my hair and he grabbed his clothes. He removed his toothbrush and stuck his tongue out at me before retreating back to the bathroom. I checked my appearance in the mirror before wandering over to his kitchen cupboards and locating a loaf of bread. I jammed two slices into the toaster and sat on the vinyl countertop as I waited. Before long the toast popped up and I buttered a slice. I held it in my teeth as I searched the fridge for jam. “You don’t have any jam.” I announced as Viggo re-entered the room.

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