The Making Of... - Chapter 42 - Need You Now

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The Making of…

Chapter 42

Need You Now

A day off. Normally I would be jumping for joy – a whole day to myself. No early morning, no makeup, no filming. A whole day for me to spend with my friends… With Viggo.

But that wasn’t the case anymore.

In reality, today was a day where I had no excuse to see Viggo. I’d been trying so hard to avoid him, but at least I normally got to see him once or twice a day. Today I had no excuse, and it was killing me.

I rolled out of bed and stretched, my t-shirt riding up over my stomach as I raised my arms above my head – then I relaxed and it slid back down. My bare feet padded over the cold floor of my trailer as I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. The tiny room filled with steam as I stripped off my pyjamas and stepped under the falling cascade of water. I stood there for some time, seconds, minutes… I wasn’t counting. Hot water streamed down my bare back and as I tilted my head downwards, it fell in torrents from my face. Down my cheeks and off my chin. I wasn’t feeling calm. I hadn’t felt calm in a while – not since the last night I’d spent curled up on a sofa with Viggo whilst we watched a movie. It was a simple moment like that which I longed for. But it was something I couldn’t have.

No, I wasn’t feeling calm. Just quiet.

I shook myself out of my daze and picked up my shampoo, breathing in its familiar smell as I scrubbed my hair. Green apples. Viggo had once told me he liked that smell. The soapy lather fell away with the water as I continued with my routine. Conditioner, facial scrub, shower gel. As the water began to run cold, I shut it off and wrung out my dripping hair, before stepping out and wrapping myself in a warm towel. I dried off and changed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a lilac t-shirt. I pulled an oversized blue-checked shirt over the top and then caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. For the past few days I’d taken no notice of my appearance, but for some reason I felt like I should make an effort today. Looking good on the outside makes you feel good on the inside, right? Or should that be the other way around? I wasn’t feeling particularly good inside either way… I might as well pretend that everything’s ok on the outside.

***Viggo’s Point of View***

I sat on the edge of my bed, staring at my phone. No new messages, no calls, nothing. But really, who was I kidding? She wasn’t going to call. It had been days since she’d so much as uttered a word to me, and even longer since we’d had a meaningful conversation. Anything I managed to strike up with her these days was something weak and pointless that barely counted as a conversation. How many times had I commented on the weather in a vain attempt to get her talking again? I stared at the phone again, willing it to ring. I probably wouldn’t even catch a glimpse of her today, let alone hear her voice. I groaned and flopped backwards onto the bed. Was it already too late to apologise? I hoped not. I missed her so much that it hurt. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. This was getting ridiculous. I needed to talk to her.

I sat up and snatched my phone up and quickly punched in her number. The phone rang a few times, and then I heard her voice.

‘Hi, this is Kira!’ It was her voicemail message, but I listened nonetheless, it was nice to hear her sounding cheerful, ‘I can’t make it to the phone right now – sorry about that, but–”

“Hey Ki, what are you doing?” I was surprised to hear my own faint voice appear on the message, as if I’d just walked into her trailer.

“Do you ever knock?”


“Ssh Vig! I’m busy!” She scolded me in a laughing tone and I smiled, remembering the conversation.

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