The Making Of...-Chapter 33-Fun in the Sun? Sounds a Little Cheesy to Me

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The Making of…

Chapter 33

Fun in the Sun? Sounds a Little Cheesy to Me…

“Kira!” I heard someone yell outside my trailer. I also heard a car-horn honk somewhere outside as I paused in the middle of brushing my teeth and went to open my trailer door.

“Morning Dom.” I muttered through my toothbrush, so it sounded more like ‘Mornfin Gom’.

“Nice pyjamas.” He commented, looking me up and down as I leant on the doorframe and caught sight of Billy in the driver’s seat of the studio’s minibus a few feet away, with the others already crammed into the back seats and several surfboards tied haphazardly to the roof.

“Thanks.” I mumbled, waving to the others.

“We’re heading for the beach in five minutes, you’d better be ready.”

“I’ll be ready in two.” I smirked, shutting the door in his face and dashing off to get dressed. It was only morning and the sun was already beaming down outside, so I pulled on my orange bikini and slipped a pair of denim shorts and a loose, faded white shirt over the top, cramming my board shorts and a towel into my backpack and shoving my feet into my flip-flops on the way out the door.

“Wait!” Billy cried, leaning out the car window. I stopped in my tracks before I could close the door. “Turn around.” He commanded and I obliged, turning on the spot. “Where is your guitar?” He asked and I raised an eyebrow.

“Will it fit in the bus?”

“We’ll make it fit!” Karl shouted out one of the back windows – clearly he’d made a miraculous recovery from his man-flu. It’s amazing what a night not out at a bar can do for your health!

“Psh…” I muttered, walking back inside and grabbing the neck of the wooden instrument, slipping the strap over my shoulder and slinging it onto my back as I hopped out the door. “If sand gets in this you’re dead, Boyd.” I muttered, opening the sliding door of the bus and clambering in. I stationed myself on one of the seats behind Viggo and Karl and looked around. “Where are Sean and Raven?”

“Well it appears that Sean didn’t come home last night.” Orlando smirked as I raised an eyebrow and Elijah wolf-whistled.

“We were going to pick Raven up at her hotel anyway.” Billy said, pulling out of the car park. I looked out the window and spotted Sean Astin and his family following us in their car.

It didn’t take long for us to pull up outside the hotel and I spotted Sean and Raven sitting on a bench outside. They smiled and waved as they spotted the bus and Sean hauled the door open – holding out his hand for Raven as she climbed in. I raised an eyebrow and patted the empty seat beside me. Sean got a few manly slaps on the back from the guys as he climbed in and sat near the front.

“Alright, spill.” I demanded as Raven sat down.

“Huh?” She mumbled innocently as I fired her a look.

“What happened last night with you and Bean?”

“N-nothing!” She stammered, receiving a sceptical look from me. “Honestly! We just talked for ages and he ended up sleeping on the couch. Nothing more.” She assured me.

“Yeah, but you invited him in.” I smirked, sitting back in my seat and staring out the window as I saw the coastline approach.

“Yeah, but he walked me back.” She retorted as I puckered my lips and made kissing noises. “Shut up.” She muttered, punching my arm and scowling as I grinned.

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