The Making Of... - Chapter 52 - Drown in Your Love

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The Making of…

Chapter 52

Drown in Your Love

My eyes widened as sheer panic washed over me like an unstoppable wave, sweeping away every rational or calm thought. I didn’t realise that I was on my feet until I felt myself take a step towards the river, my eyes scanning for any sign of Viggo. Where was he?

“What’s going on?”

“He’s been pulled under!”

“Can you see him?”

“He was near those rocks-”

“How long has he been under for?”

The voices around me merged into white noise as my breathing became laboured and I verged on a panic attack. Why wasn’t anyone doing anything? My legs felt cold, but I didn’t notice until someone grabbed my arm, pulling me back. I realised that I was standing in the river, the cold water seeping up the legs of my jeans and chilling me. Maybe that’s why I was shaking.

“Where is he?” I heard myself whisper.

“It’s going to be ok Kira.” Someone, the person pulling me back, told me.

“There!” Someone in one of the boats yelled as I saw Viggo’s head appear above the rushing water. I felt myself suck in a breath of air as I watched him get pulled into the boat. Someone wrapped him in one of those metallic silver blankets and I could see him coughing. The boat couldn’t get to the shore quickly enough, and as its hull scraped along the river bed, the crew jumped out of the boat and Viggo followed them. I ran to him and flung my arms around his neck as I reached him.

“Viggo.” I sobbed into his chest as I felt his arms wrap around me. I hadn’t realised that I was crying until now. He was soaked, and the water from his saturated clothes quickly became absorbed by mine, but I didn’t care.

“Kira.” He whispered breathlessly as he shivered against me. I clung to him, never wanting to let go. I couldn’t let go, not after nearly losing him like that. I bit my lip to try and hold back the tears that streamed down my face as he held me tightly. I don’t know how long we stood there for. It could have been seconds or minutes, but I only looked up when someone lightly tapped my shoulder; my arms slipped away from Viggo as I turned around saw the man in a fluorescent orange coat, he was a member of the first-aid team. I nodded silently and stepped away from Viggo, even though it pained me to release him, I understood that they needed to make sure he was ok. I wrapped my arms around myself as I looked on whilst he was lead to a chair and examined. I began to shiver from the cold – it seemed the sun had slipped behind a cloud, but at least I was able to breathe normally again. I looked up in surprise as somebody draped a large coat over my shoulders, and I smiled gratefully at Peter as he stood beside me – looking sufficiently awkward with his hands stuffed in his pockets. After what seemed like an age, the medic gave Viggo the all-clear, and he stood, his eyes locked with mine and he smiled a little. Fresh tears stung at my eyes and suddenly I was in his arms again. I hugged him tightly as he buried his head in my shoulder – he was still shivering, so I rubbed his arms in an attempt to warm him up. It reminded me of the day we did the scene where I had to dive into the frozen lake, and Viggo had been trying to warm me up. Right now those times seemed like they were a world away.

“You ok Vig?” Peter asked from behind us.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said quietly, looking up from my shoulder as I rested my head against his chest.

“You should probably go change then, so you don’t get cold.”

“You don’t want me to do another take?” Viggo asked anxiously, but Peter only laughed and I felt my lips tug into a small smile.

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