The Making Of... - Chapter 46 - Conveniant Misplacement

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The Making of…

Chapter 46

Convenient Misplacement

After our ‘date’, Viggo walked me to the door of my trailer and leant on the doorframe as I fumbled in my bag for my keys. It was already pretty late, and most people had either headed back to their trailers or gone home.

“Do you want to come in for a coffee or something?” I asked as I rummaged.

“If that’s your pickup line then it’s really lame.” Viggo laughed.

“I don’t need pickup lines; I have enough feminine charm to get by.” I grinned, digging through my bag, “Shoot… I can’t find my keys.” I muttered frantically. That horrible moment of sheer, sickening panic hit me. It’s like those moments when you think you’ve lost your phone, or you think your car’s been stolen, but it turns out you just parked it further down the street. I dug around for another second, and then sighted in exasperation.

“Are you sure?” Viggo asked, gently prising my bag out of my hands and checking. “Could you have dropped them somewhere?”

“I don’t know.” I groaned, patting down my dress to see if I could find them. Why was I looking in my dress? It didn’t even have pockets!

“Is there a window open? I could climb through and open the door.” He suggested as I shook my head.

“No, I always lock them before going out.” I sighed, “Do you know if anyone would have a spare key?”

“Peter might, but he’s probably gone home.”

“Great.” I grumbled.

“I could kick the door in?” Viggo fired another suggestion at me and I shook my head.

“You’d probably end up breaking the rest of your toes.” I told him, wrapping my arms around myself as I tried to keep clam and think of a solution.

“You could always spend the night in my trailer.” He murmured, “And we could get the spare key in the morning.” I looked up at him as he smiled comfortingly.

“Would that be ok?” I asked quietly.

“Of course.” He smiled, taking my hand in his and leading me across to his trailer which stood nearby. He opened the door for me and I suddenly felt self-conscious of the fact that I didn’t have anything to wear whilst I slept – my dress certainly wouldn’t be comfortable to sleep in. “I’ll see if I can find you something to wear.” Viggo said, as if he could hear my thoughts. I nodded mutely as he dug around in his wardrobe and produced a large navy shirt, “I bought this but it’s too big for me, you could wear it.” He shrugged.

“You suck at shopping.” I laughed nervously, reaching out and taking it from him, “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He smiled, “You can change in the bathroom.” I nodded and went in to the small room, shutting the door behind me. I slipped out of my dress and pulled on the shirt, carefully buttoning it but leaving the top two undone. It fell to just above my knees and the fabric was soft. It was too-big in a comforting way. I smiled and took the clip out of my hair, letting it fall loosely down around my shoulders as I hung my dress over the back of the door and set my shoes in a corner before leaving the bathroom. I’d been wondering about our sleeping arrangements but I relaxed a little as I saw Viggo tossing a pillow onto the sofa. I didn’t mind sleeping there. He’d changed into a pair of grey sweatpants with a baggy faded black t-shirt over the top, somehow still managing to look adorable. As I entered the room he looked up and smiled.

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