Raya (4)

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SHIT I slapped her. I promised myself I'd never hit her. Damn my anger issues. I cursed myself. I sigh picking up the unconscious girl bridal style with our bags on my back. I know her house is closer but she doesn't like being home so my house it is. I walked home and slammed my foot into the door three times. Phew she's still asleep good. Annette opened the door looking a mix of pissed and confused.

"Oi Nii-chan you gonna stand there all day and make me hold her or are you going to let us in. The older girl with mid back black hair with flame blue tips sighed and moved to the side letting us in grumbling that I woke her up and that she has to work at the bar tonight. She closed the door behind me and sauntered her well built body to her room.

"I'm going back to bed. Don't destroy my house. Also can you wake me up a little earlier tonight boss wants me in early." She asked peeking her head out her door. I nodded and started up the stairs she yelled a thanks before the sound of her door closing was heard. I got to my door and kicked the cracked door fully open. God I love Bree she left it open this morning. I gently laid her down on my bed covering her with the black blankets and threw our bags next to the door they landed next to my wall, which is red, and jumped on the bed next to my friend deciding to take a nap before waking Annette up for work.

~Time skip about 30 minutes~

I hear the clicking sounds of my phone keyboard and crack one eye open and look at the source. Bree is on my phone again. I sigh and roll over so I was laying on top of her.

"Ugh Raya what the hell!" she groaned she quickly locked my phone.

I snag my phone from her grasp and unlock it.

"You bitch you changed my language to spanish!" I wiggled on her crushing her into my comfy bed. "Spanish is so not pretty! Ugh!" I yelled while fixing it. To me spanish isn't a pretty language. It doesn't flow as well as my native tongue of Japanese. She knows this that's why she instantly started laughing the second I rolled off her. The time was 6:30 so I decided to change into some short shorts and a plain black spaghetti string tank. "I'm making cheese burgers and green beans. You staying for dinner?" this household enjoys american styled meals randomly.

"Sure!" Bree jumped up from my bed and I threw her a pair of my black workout pants that stopped at the calves and a purple tank identical to mine. She caught them with a nod of appreciation. I left the room closing the door with my foot. I walked down the stairs going to the kitchen putting on the black and red cooking apron tying it loosely behind me. I take the meat out of the fridge. I mixed in the seasonings and put he burgers in the pan that was on the stove top. Spatula in hand my other hand on my hip when I felt small arms wrap around my waist hugging me from behind tightly.

"I don't know why you did it but thank you for not taking me home." She whispered from where her head landed between my shoulder blades.

I lightly tapped her arms with the hand that was on my hip while I flipped the burgers. They were almost done so I moved to the counter to the left and opened the can of beans putting it into the pot along with some butter. Bree still clinging to me. Once food was ready.

"You want to wake Annette or do you want to set the table?" I ask and she finally let go.

"I'll set the table!" she stated quickly as she moved to the cabinets with plates.

I chuckle slightly shaking my head walking to Nii-chan's room.

"Hey foods done. Get your ass up!" I holler into the dark cold room. She groaned and I heard the blankets shuffle and her feet hit the ground she walked up to me wearing black boy short underwear and a crop top tank her hair messy and she stumbled tiredly past me. She sat where she usually does Bree already sitting where she sits and the food and table set. I sit and we start eating with small talk here and there. Annette slowly waking up with a smile from eating her favorite meal before work. After dinner Annette got dressed and left the house with a chipper goodnight. Bree and I washed the dishes that were used. When that was done we went back to my room. "You want me to text Annette and have her call your mom saying your staying?" I ask as I set up the stuff I'd need for tomorrow.

"Yeah that'd be helpful. I don't really want to go home." She sigh sinking into my bed again.

I sigh and sent the text I usually do. I jump on the bed next to her plugging my phone in and resting my head on my pillow.

"Get some actual sleep for once. You're safe here." I mumble falling asleep with my arm draped over her stomach.

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