Chapter 5 - 8 hours away from hell

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The drive to school was silent. I could feel Ryan's eyes looking at me, but I tried my best not to look at him. When we pulled up into a space in the car park, we sat for a few seconds before getting out of the car. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my right shoulder.

I waited for Ryan before heading off towards the school doors, with his right arm draped around my shoulders. When we reached our lockers, which were next to eachother, the rest of our friends were stood in a circle like always.

Seeing them stand there made me smile as i now have 6 hours of school and 2 hours of dance with most of them. Which altogether means 8 hours away from hell.

"Hey guys" Ryan and I both said at the same time. We were answered with 'heys' and eye rolling. I opened my locker and took some books out of my bag to put in and vise versa. "Hey, Al" Bonnie said. "yeah?" I replied, shutting my locker and turning to face my friends.

"you going to dance tonight?" she questioned. "Err yeah. Should be" I said with a smile. "YAY!!" she replied, practically screaming it. It was a good job the bell rang at the same time she said it. Or should I say screamed it!

"Eurgh. Geography. So fun!" I sarcastically said. "Come on guys" instructed Michelle, as she started to walk to class.

"someone's in a bad mood today!" Danny stated, trying not to let Michelle hear.

"I heared that!" Michelle said, but not turning around to do so. "only because your missing dance cause you have to babysit!" Zack shouted.

No response. We quietly chuckled to ourselves. I kinda feel sorry for her. Mitch (nickname for Michelle) loves to dance. More than anything. It's her life. She hardly ever misses classes, only when she has to look after her little brother, Parker. And when she does miss it, well lets just say, she gets really annoyed.

I quickly catch her up, and link my arm in hers. "why don't you bring him with you? I'm sure Kate and Chris won't mind, again." I ask, trying to cheer her up.

We enter the classroom and take our seats. Michelle and Cassie sat infront of me and Bonnie. Mitch turned around and replies, "will you come with me to pick him up?"

I nod, and a smile shows on her face.

"Right class, take your text books out and turn to page 365 and complete **all** the questions on the following 3 pages.

If you don't finish it all in this lesson, it will be your homework!" Mr Wimble says, and we all groan. Sir simply smiles and sits down to mark some work. Geography dragged on whilst maths and chemistry went quite quickly. It was now lunch, and we were all sitting on the field eating, talking and getting a tan. "Ally?" Mitch asks. "yeah" I answer with a smile. "I didnt say thanks when you said you'd come with me to get Parker. So thanks" "no problem!" I replied before checking my phone.............

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