Chapter 11 - Would she be proud?

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Here's me being extra kind by giving you two chapters.......I might even update later on today. I hope you like it....

- Emma xx

Ally's P.O.V

It wasn't a long journey, seen as we were only traveling from South America to the North! All the way, I had butterflies in my tummy. I remember Jenny and John, her husband, having a few sons. But as I have found out, they now have 10 sons. I am doomed.

1hour and 15mins ago

"So, how many children do you have, because I can only remember there being a few boys" "err yes. We now have 10 sons"

My mouth fell open and my eyes widened. "t-ten boys?" I asked, unsurely. "yep. Don't worry though, John has talked to them and told them to be nice!" she replies. "oh yippee" I said, sarcastically. "most of them remember you from when you were little, you always used to play together when your parents were at work. You practically lived with us!"

*this should be fun*

"Remind me what ages your sons are?" I question, curious to find out more about them before I invade their territories.

"well. I'll start with the oldest.

Dylan is 21, Will 20, Cole 19, Tyler 18, Kyle 17, Liam 16, Mason 15, Lucas 14 (don't pronounce the 's'), Carter 10 and little Wes is 4" she states. "wow" is all I can say. She lets out a little chuckle before saying, "the only ones you don't know are Carter and Wes. Everyone else remembers you. Don't worry, you'll be fine!" I hope so.

*present time*

The two houses in the distance grow nearer and nearer as we drove straight down to the end of the road. You could say that this is the 'rich' area. Big fancy houses, posh cars, massive gardens. Im suprised I actually lived here once.

"why'dya say that?" questions Jenny.

Damn. I said that out loud.

"well its just that people who live here are rich"

"you could say that, but your mum was rich. She had a good job, earned a lot. That's why when she died, you moved beacuse your dad couldn't pay for the house" she explained.

"but Dad said that we moved because this place brought back too many memories of Mum." I stated, confused. "that too"

As we pulled into the drive, I couldnt stop thinking about how beautiful the house was. Memories now coming back to me.

Jenny parked the car and as we got out a tall muscly man came out the door. He was dressed in a type of butlers clothes, black trousers, white shirt, black jacket and bow tie. He had neat brown hair, matching eyes and was around 6ft.  "ahh. Charles, this is Ally. Ally this is Charles, the butler" Jenny said as she started to unload the car. "nice to meet you, Ally" he holds his hand out and I gladly shake it, whilst replying "nice to meet you too"

Another man came out of the house. He was quite tall, and like Charles, had brown hair, and brown eyes. My smile grows bigger as he walks towards me, and I'm soon pulled into a bone crashing hug. As he pulls back he says "i've missed you baby girl" "i've missed you too, John"

When we lived next door, most days, me and Taylor, spent round here with the boys. And as John and Jenny don't have any daughters, John used to call me his baby girl. Well he still does.

John grabs my two suitcases while I grab my school bag and sling it over my shoulder. "Charles will show you to your room Ally and dinner will be in an hour or so" Jenny said as she locked the car.

We got onto the first floor, passing door after door, each having a name on. Wes's room was at the top of the stairs, opposite Carter's, Jenny and John's room was next to Carters and opposite Lucas. Mason's was next to Lucas and opposite Liams, whose was next to Kyle's, Kyle's was opposite mine and next to mine was Tylers. Opposite Tyler's was Cole's, next to Cole's was Will's and opposite Will's was Dylans. And at the end was a massive game room. Each room had a walk-in-wardrobe and an ensuite bathroom.

Charles opens the door, and places my bags down before turning to leave. "thank you Charles" I say politely. "no problem" he replies, giving me a heartwarming smile, as he leaves and closes the door behind him.

I stand infront of the door looking at the room. It was a big room, with a nature feel to it. The plain white walls were covered with different shades of purple and green butterflies, owls and birds which some of were sat on mahogany trees. To the right was a ensuite, which had a bath, shower, toilet, sink and large cabinet. On the other side of the room was a massive walk-in-wardrobe, which had a wall hight mirror on the door, with clothes already hung up inside, which I suppose Jenny had bought for me.

There is a window opposite the bedroom door which overlooked the beautiful large garden, which the boys were currently playing on.

Next to it was a double sized bed, with purple, green and white pillows, duvet and throw. On the other side of the bed, there was dressing table which had jewelry and perfumes on, waiting to be used and opposite that, was a desk with a purple swizzly chair and straight infront of the bed on the wall, was a 84" plasma tv.

The floor was a light shade of wood, different to the trees on the walls. Infront of the door, was a large oval fluffy rug, which was purple and green. Overall, a really nice bedroom.

I decided that i should take a shower, before heading downstairs for dinner. I opened my suitcase, which was by my bed, and pulled out my big green towel and shampoo.

After locking the door, I turned on the shower, making sure it wasnt too hot nor too cold, before stripping and climbing in, putting my shampoo on the mini shelf, so I could easily get to it.

After washing my hair, and body, I climbed out and wrapped my towel around me, before noticing that i hadn't brought in any clothes.

"shit" I whispered to myself.

*make a run for it*

Without thinking, I unlocked the door and ran towards my suitcase, grabbing my underwear, I quickly put them on, before searching for some clothes to wear.

The towel was now on the floor, half a metre away from where I was crouched, still trying to find something to put on.

"Finally!" I said, relieved.

I had chosen a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey long sleeved shirt, with a black heart on the front, grey converse and a grey beanie.

I quickly put my clothes on before deciding that i should hang my others up.


I shoved my last suitcase under the bed after I had finally finished sorting my stuff out.

I decided to go downstairs and find Jenny to see if she wanted any help.

I luckily found the kitchen, and Jenny, really easily.

As I walked into the room, Jenny turned around, smiling at me, which I returned.

"do you need any help?" I ask, as she starts to cut up the lasagne. "that would be lovely. Could you put the two salad bowls on the table please"

I grab the salad bowls off the side, and place them in the middle of the table and then walk back over to Jenny. "smells nice" I compliment. "Your mom taught me how to make it. It was her own recipe" she says smiling, although it falters a little.

I too smile, as I think about my mom. "I miss her" I suddenly blurt out.

Jenny stops, puts down the knife and turns to face me. She sighs, before grabbing me by the shoulders. "me too" she pauses, and moves her right hand to my face. I flinch a little, but it goes unnoticed. "you look so much like her. And I know that she would be so proud of you"

We stand there for a moment before she takes her hands away, and starts to put the plates on the table, while I stand frozen, thinking about what Jenny had just said.

'she would be so proud of you' her words ringing around in my head. But I can't help questioning myself; would she be proud of me?

Living with the boys (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now