Chapter 6 - Deceiving the Devil

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Hey peeps.

I feel so bad. I haven't updated in ages! So I thought I'd be kind and give you two chapters. Hope you like them!

- Em Xx


1 new message - Dad

'Don't you dare go to dance. Get ur ass straight back here. Or else'

As I read the message, my smile turns into a frown.

Ryan obviously notices as he snatches my phone off me and reads the text.

"that's not fair" he simply states.

I grab my phone off him and shove it into my pocket.

"it doesn't matter whether it's fair or not. I can't ignore him or......well you know" I say, keeping my voice down so no one hears. Luckily they don't, as they are too engrossed in their own conversations.

Ryan sighs before saying "Go. Prove to him that he doesn't control you. That you are free. He can't control you for the rest of you're life, no matter how much he wants to"

I look at him and give a small smile before the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch.


The last two periods went quickly and I was now walking with Michelle to dance after we had just picked her little brother up.

We arrived at The Next Step dance studio with 15 minutes to spare.

Walking inside, Michelle asked Kate if Parker could stay and watch and of course, being the kind person she is, she said yes.

'Better enjoy these 2 hours while I can' I thought to myself.


*get ready for this Ally. Your dead. He's gonna kill you*

I know. I shouldnt have gone to dance.

*I suppose, but he can't stop you*

Yeah but he can sure as hell hurt me for disobeying him.

As I near home, or hell as i like to call it, I get more and more nervous as to what he's going to do. And soon enough im standing infront of the front door.

Here we go.

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