•stucky||wakanda reunion•

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*i wrote this about a month ago after seeing iw for the first time; i was grieving a lot (i still am tbh), so this is not very well written hehe... also, it has been revealed that bucky and steve skyped while he was recovering, but i didn't know that when i wrote that soooo. (:*

okay so i saw infinity war and i loved it but i'm kind of upset with the lack of bucky and steve conversations and i'm devastated after watching the whole thing so i decided to write a one shot of the steve and bucky reunion scene, but alter it a bit? i know it's doesn't really work with the timing and stuff in the actual movie but that's okayyyy right?

Steve gasped as T'Challa and his cortège of warriors walked away, leaving a full view of the man behind them. There he was, standing tall and exultant.

His Bucky.

"A semi-stable hundred year-old man," said Bucky, finishing T'Challa's last sentence.

Steve hadn't been paying attention to what anyone was saying. He was just focusing on the man in front of him. The blond was off his feet before he knew it, running towards the man he loved at full speed; the man he hadn't seen in nearly three years. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, but he blinked them away before the rest of his team could see.

Bucky was running too, sprinting towards him with a smile bigger than Steve had seen on him in a long time.
Within seconds, the men had each other enveloped in a hug; neither of them saying anything- just enjoying the feeling of being wrapped in each other's arms.

Bucky looked up at Steve with gleaming eyes. His dark hair had grown out long, but he looked much less bedraggled than the last time Steve had seen him.

"How have you been, Buck?" Asked Steve, pulling away from the hug.

Bucky looked amazed, as if he couldn't believe Steve was really there, really talking to him.

"Not bad for the end of the world" replied Bucky, staring into Steve's eyes as if they were the only thing tethering him to the real world.

"I missed the you a whole lot pal. A whole, whole lot."

Steve gazed at Bucky as well, both of them tearing up again through their loving stare. They quickly looked away as they heard Sam clear his throat from behind them.

"Okay enough of this romance-novel sh*t, we have a world to save" he smirked, with an annoyed, but amused look on his face.

Steve flushed; his cheeks radiating with an erubescent glow. Bucky just smiled softly and rolled his eyes at Sam.

"Hey Sam, how've you been?"

"Not too bad bud. The hotels haven't been the best- and being considered a criminal takes quite a bit of getting used to... but really not too bad."

"That's good" Nodded Bucky.

Soon enough, Bucky was indulged in conversation with the rest of the Avengers, catching up on what he had missed in the last two years.  Steve stood on the side, staring at Bucky and longing to hold him again.


"Go spend some time with him" said Wanda, as she walked up next to Steve.


"You haven't seen him in two years. I know you want to talk to him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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