The Ideal Star Parivaar

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Sorry for being late. I really had and have zero mood to update considering what our fandom is going through. Its pretty much clear that an off air show and its leading couple or leads are not going to be nominated for anything.

Lets see what starplus does with that crap biased award show of theirs. For now, since we are crystal clear about AdiZa being the deserving winners of many of the categories of awards, lets enjoy some happy moments in our this fictional world. Just after this, I am gonna take a dig at starplus and the recent idiotic stupid and ruthless behaviour of people against our show and actors. Its high time that we knock some sense into such morons. You guys are free to share this ff anywhere you like. Its our fight and we have to fight for justice. If not us, then none I repeat NONE of the shows deserves to stay!

Kudos to #Naamkarann FD for fighting till the end. You guys are the best!

Those in bold italics are my view points as to why I gave them awards. I have thought as a normal viewer and not a Naamkarann fan to present these awards which according to 'ME' are the most deserved. Feel free to disagree


The much awaited eve of star parivaar awards has arrived. Fans arguing as to who is the best and what should he/she/the show win has been going on relentlessly. Zain waited patiently in his caravan to recieve a text or call from Aditi so that they can go hand in hand. Afterall, they are co-stars of an amazing show. The other phase of their relationship was still kept away from the limelight. Over these few weeks, their bond has grown from being friends to best friends. Its true that Zain skips a beat when he gets a glimpse of her and she longs to see him staring at her. Nevertheless, they enjoyed their new found love with a mature and sensible mentality. Zain's these chain of thoughts were broken when his phone moved with loud vibrations. The screen flashed to popup a notification of Aditi's text message.


Adi: I'm ready..

Zain: Yeah. Coming.


Zain slowly made his way to the door of her caravan and he was bombarded with cameras and flashes. He politely smiled and acknowkedged each of them.

Reporter: Sir! Sir! One snap sir!

Zain: Yeah sure. Just give me a minute. I will be back.

Reporter: Sir. Just one click sir. Its for our exclusive coverage. We would
like to have a talk with you.

Zain: Yes. I understand. But just a minute.

Reporter: Sir Sir!

Zain: Arey yaar! Let me fetch my heroine dude. Am I enough alone?

Reporter(giggled): Sorry. Please get her sir.

Zain knocked at the caravan and the door opened to pave the way for a
magical looking Aditi descending down the vehicle taking his breath away. With that same royal green full length gown with those decorative strings attached to the deep cut back making her fair complexion radiate brighter. Her simple kohled eyes and nude pink lipstick added on to the charm. She wore simple white stoned danglers and a shimmering bracelet with her wavy hair left open. But, her murdering weapon was.. yes- that infectious smile which only broadened at Zain's expressions.

Zain(blinked away his eyes): Mashah Allah! Look at you Adi!

Reporter: Ma'am. You look stunning!

Aditi: Thank you so much yaar. and you- You look dapper. Didn't see a mirror or what?

Zain: Like really? How am I going to
walk the carpet with this killer lady?
Poeple will mock at me.

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