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Nihil - Zero
Pardon me for the language and the inappropriate thoughts in this story.

Man...I suck at writing

(Edit: Jungkook is surprisingly less dirty thought for the rest of the story)


Jungkook didn't want to think about it, didn't want to think about the empty scents around him, didn't want to think about the empty feeling he felt. Nor did he want to think about the ache in between his legs as he wanted someone to just fuck him senselessly. He wasn't suppose to feel like this, he wasn't suppose to be locked in his room at the tender age of 13 wanted to be fucked, he wasn't suppose to feel like this but god dam it he wanted it. He loves feeling small, fragile, and cute; to be taken care of. The blankets on top of him rustled as he curled more into a ball as he whimpered pathetically, thinking how ashamed his parents will be.

He wasn't suppose to feel like this because he was an alpha.


It's been 7 years since then and he was now a 20 year old alpha, idol, secretly wanting to be an omega.


Jungkook eyes opened as he was blinded by bright lights, and whined a little quickly covering his eyes. He heard someone chuckle on top of him and he shifted slightly onto his side. "Kookiee" a deep voice drew out his nickname, he melted from the inside, and quickly cried out in annoyance from his hyung. "Ya!," jungkook quickly moved his arms from his eyes, quickly adjusting his eye sight, and scrambled to chase his Hyung, "Tae!"

A loud laugh was all he heard before he ran away from jungkook grabbing hands. Jungkook quickly re familiarized himself with his surroundings. The makeup noonas quickly shuffled away shying from the camera, jungkook didn't realize it was there, while giggling. There was people running around him in a hurry while he chased Taehyung, following the Apple and sea scent ignoring the rest of the empty scents(and his other hyungs scents) . Jungkook loves Taehyung scent, just like the rest of his hyungs scent, his alpha inside him purred and the feeling of wanting to roll over and just submit to another alpha-

"Ya! Jungkook!" He quickly froze, pushing down the whimper of displeasing his pack leader, and clicked his tongue with a pout turning around to face his leader m. He heard a giggle before his back was surrounded by heat and the scent of apple's. He once again willed away the feeling of going on his hands and knees to present and-

"-aerful okay? kookie, Tae?"

Jungkook quickly nodded, and giggled when Tae whined and telling Namjoon what a dad he was. Again, ignoring from saying daddy and being inappropriate, especially around the cameras. Namjoon quickly sighed and shook his head before getting distracted when brushes were in front of his face.

The Terror duo quickly snuck away to go bother there other hyungs. They both quickly spotted a sleeping Seokjin on the couch. Yet before they could do anything for there fans there manager quickly rushed the members out of the room for the concert, waking Seokjin in the process.


There was sweat at his neck , chest, and head as he uttered the last words to his song, "You make me begin," raising his hands up in the air to sway as the rest of the fans screamed, "You made me again" his scent spiked at bit before settling down. As his voice got quieter towards the end, the screamed got louder and the room slowly went to pitch black. Jungkook quickly turned to walk out of the stage as Jimin rushed past him, quickly winking at him. A flush came across his face and he knew the reason why he felt warmer was not because of the singing. 'Tonight was going to be a long night' jungkook thought miserable as Jin blowed him a kiss from the door as he sat back down when noonas crowded him once again.

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