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((Edit:This was published before the last chapter))
Don't worry I'm almost done with the next chapter of this story but like finals are tomorrow so that's why it's taking so long lamo ('•ω•̥')

Okay! So I know the story is going really fast! A lot of things are happening to fast for my taste but I'm honestly just going fast because I want to do little one shots of this story ;3

You may request events and things to happen!

Ex) Sasaeng fans follow him in the store distant area as he separates from his pack(you can even request a bonus scene if you want!...like...uh jungkook has to get injured in the process or jungkook has to play along with the Sasaeng fan because he's too scared! Stuff like that!)

(I'm definitely doing that one!)

Ideas I won't accept
Violence(Rape/Beating up)
You can request injuries though! Or a stubborned injured kookie or just plain stubborn

Uhhh let's see what else...Dark scenes! This is a fluff story through and through although there are misunderstandings and insecurities as well but yea :D

You can request sex scenes as well! You can request a pair to trio to a blown out OT7 if you want!


You can request love fluff scenes that are sweet!! Like a little jungkook!(maybe)

You can request certain moments with certain pairing(s) as well that doesn't always include jungkook just...

Remember this is an ABO story ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧ cause I forget a lot!

I'll accept almost everything but like I got limits especially around dark themes and major misunderstanding that might cause a strain in there relationship...also other things but who knows

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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