Injury (1)

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An idea of how the apartment(or penthouse) looks like ^^^^

Jungkook is 20(or 21 who knows)

Do I have a schedule? No, I write and publish when I'm in the mood .-. Which is rare, so yea who knows when the best update will be, tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year.

Warning: Masturbation , Dildos, and swearing


Jungkook hummed a melody as he snuggled more into seokjin side. Honestly it was a tiring day at the dance studio and the interviews today. Yet quick praises from his hyungs and he was ready to continue the day. Jungkook shifted his eyes a little to see the rest of his hyungs sitting around relaxing after a busy day. Don't get him wrong he loves the fans but they needed to breath and relax just a bit before giving love to them.

He felt hands go to his head to scratch lightly and play with his hair. It felt nice, having his hyungs fingers in his hair, soothing even.



It was warm and safe here, an-ohhh that's the spot!

A chuckle was heard beside him as taehyung whined at jimin and hoseok. The words 'Game Over' echoed around the room, but jungkook wasn't paying attention to that he was currently getting the best message from his Hyung.

His wolf was quiet during this time which was strange, usually his wolf will be rolling around and purring, yet he was really  quiet tonight. Warning bells sounded in his head but he was too comfortable and his head was getting kinda hazy. The scent of strawberry filled his mind, Seokjin hyung has the best scent, always calm yet demanding always in control. Just imagining seokjin holding a leash as it connected to his collar and he tugged and said filthy things. A whimper past his lips as he snuggled more, if that was possible, into seokjin side and he felt so small it was nice.




He got surprised and jungkook quickly jumped then not so gracefully fell off the couch as seokjin tried to grab him. But an loud 'thunk' was heard as his body and especially his head met the floor, it went silent. Just for half a second before jimin, who literally teleported, and seokjin hovering over him with worried expressions.

"Oh god baby I'm so sorry!"

"Jesus are you okay kookie? That was loud"

Seokjin went into mother mode when jungkook didn't answer but looked at the ceiling in a daze. He quickly looked at hoseok and taehyung with a swift glare as they scrambled to get what was needed.

"Yoongi! Be a sweet heart and get aspirin- joonie please just sit there and look pretty? I don't need two of you getting injured. Come on jimin-ah help me carry him to the bedroom" (No offense, I just didn't know what to do with him) seokjin got a 'yes Hyung' from Namjoon as he looked worryingly at jungkook while bitting his lips in distress.

Jimin quickly scrambled to help seokjin with jungkook, who groaned lightly and shut his eyes when a whimpered sound passed his lips making there scents go bitter with worry as there wolfs whined in distress. There youngest was in pain, there baby alpha was in pain and they needed to help. Seokjin forgot what happened a couple minutes ago as he carried his baby into his and Yoongi shared room. He didn't need to remember the sweetened scent his youngest emitted from himself as he scratched his head, didn't need to remember the way he whimpered oh so prettily and especially didn't need to remember the way his legs rubbed together deliciously and made his wolf growl in pleasure. No he really didn't need to remember all of that, but that will be on the back of his head until his baby was okay, his attention was on his baby condition currently.

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