Pre-rut (2) 18+

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I changed jimins hair to blonde!(it use to be orange but like blonde jimin he looks so soft and cuddly)

Originally this was suppose to be a sope + kookie going on here but then I realized the pack leader had to bite him. I mean namjoon won't be able to punish seokjin because 1) Jin is his Hyung and 2) Jin acts like the pack leader a bit more because he's more experienced, don't get me wrong the reason why it's like that is because he can't punish them and put them in there place(unless it's a must from him)if they were to get out of line. Aside from that namjoon is the leader but he won't act unless he has to you'll see in future chapters :P

Wow, I just realize I made jungkook just accept what was going on...fuck I didn't mean for that to happen, hmmm I'm bad at emotion and self awareness because that's me in real life ;;


Namjoon was frozen in his spot as the scent of lavender and honey sweetened, making his cock twitch in his pants. Honestly, he bit his lips to stop the groan from leaving his lips, the scent was heavenly. Yet the view of jungkook sitting down with his legs spread out in front of him, his cock laid heavily in between them had veins popping out and was a beautiful shade of red. His eyes decided to wonder jungkook body when he noticed the bruises all over his body, specifically his hips and neck. Namjoon opened his lips slightly before yoongi interrupted him. "Look joonie," yoongi voice was deep and lustful as namjoon looked to see him licking his lips, "look at how submissive he is your such a good boy kookie" namjoon could already smell the slick from yoongi as he laid against namjoon for support as he kept on looking at jungkook. His wolf was still silent in him, waiting, but waiting for what?


His wolf purred as everything clicked together in his head when Yoongi gave him an aroused yet dark look.


Jimin moaned when he fully sat down on seokjin cock, feeling it stretch him wonderfully. The way seokjin grunted as his face was forced to the right into a kiss by hoseok was delicious in its own way. Jimin moaned as he started to ride seokjin frantically as taehyung just watched it all happen. They didn't know why there felt so aroused and not caring about where they were and that they have a meeting in an hour. Yet the way hoseok tugged and pulled at seokjin black hair was just so much for jimin. "Please-PleAAHhhHseeEE! Daddy! AhAhh-DaAAhdddyy!" Jimin begged taehyung to do something, anything then just stand there, watching them. All he got was an eyebrow raised slightly as he heard a zipper. Jimin didn't stop moaning shamelessly as he felt seokjin hands tighten even more as jimin squeezed just right. Jimin huffed as he continued to grind and squeeze, to look at seokjin just to see him getting face fucked by hoseok cock. Jimin loves it, loves seeing his other hyungs getting roughed with, because he remembers how he feels when he's getting roughed with. The pleasure and pain was so good, the way they just opened there mouths to get used made them feel dirty but so proud. Honestly, jimin thought as he bounced on seokjin, taehyung should just fuck Jin hyung. Jimin smirked mischievously as he slowed down, whimpered when he bottomed out. He heard seokjin made a sound but it was too hard to figure it out since it was full of cock. "Taetae~" jimin dragged out teasingly "yes chimchim?" The deep aroused voice made a shiver go down jimins spine. The way taehyung shifted slightly as he continued to stand there not even touching himself, the way his ash blonde hair made his eyes more vibrate, more darker. "Don't you think jinnie needs attention daddy?" Jimin giggled when he felt seokjin slap his ass as they firmly tightened around his hips before, "AHH!" The brutal force of seokjin fucking into him made him scream. The scent of peaches and tropical scents heightened as hoseok moaned in relief as he released his load on seokjin face and mouth. "Mhh you such a cock slut hyung, Our pretty cock sucker aren't you?" Hoseok cooed softly as if he was talking to a child and not to someone that sucked his dick. Jimin whimpered as slick kept on dropping from his entrance as seokjin cock kept on going in and out, letting slick come out. "What should we do with him taehyung? He's been such a good appa to our jimin here." Hoseok purred out as taehyung smiled, the smile was the form of a box kind. Yet his eyes were dark and sinful to look at, the way they looked at you intensely leaving you wanted more. "Hoseok" the name was sharp on taehyung name as hoseok nodded to a silent command before getting up and going behind jimin. Seokjin opened his mouth to question what was going on but a loud moan escaped instead when jimin squeezed once more before getting his hands all over himself. Seokjin was worried when hoseok did nothing before he felt hands on his bare legs and pulling them apart and up in the air slightly. "Ah?" Seokjin questionable sound would have been adorable in an entirely different scenario. Alarm bells rang in his head when he heard a scream from jungkook closed bedroom door before he screamed as well when he felt hoseok wet tongue entering him in one go, eating him up. Seokjin started babbling in pleasure when it became too much for him, jimins tight walls and the tongue eating him out? Too much for seokjin but it still didn't stop him for whimpering when he saw taehyung dripping hard cock in front of him. "Why don't you make my cock wet Jin hyung?" The way taehyung spoke formal with him as he cradled his hands in his soft hair, cooing when seokjin opened his mouth even if sounds were escaping his mouth.

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