Resistance (1)

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(Warning: Biting necks and swearing)



Yoongis blank eyes were the only answer hoseok got  before he swiftly walked towards the bed. "Fuck- are you sure-?" Hoseok cut him off sharply, "positive."

Yoongi cursed slightly when he took a whiff of the scents which made him want to jump in joy, if it wasn't for the fact the leader hasn't marked jungkook in the pack yet. Seokjin had probably been fucked by jungkook although...why could he be walking perfectly fine this morning? Yoongi thought back to this morning, seokjin was humming in the kitchen making soup, although there was a glass of water and pills on a tray, when he actually thought about it. It was strange why would seokjin need a tray if he was going to drink it himself? Hoseok quickly grabbed an cloth from the bathroom in the hallway before throwing the dirty cloth in the basket in jungkook room. A sigh was heard from Yoongi as he grumbled under his breath to think, hoseok opened his mouth slightly before the sound of the shower turning off was heard. Yoongi didn't bothering leaving the room still thinking while hoseok panicked slightly. "H-Hyung?" In between Yoongi eyebrows they wrinkled slightly then suddenly they smoothed over as an astonished look was on his face. Hoseok blinked when the shift of Yoongi scent sweetened instantly, the sound of the door opening was heard behind them and hoseok panicked. Yoongi quickly looked at the door to confirm his suspicions, jungkook looking at them with a blank look since the towel wasn't really covering a lot.


Lots of em

Especially around his hips and neck.

Jungkook eyes widened and his mouth opened in horror and screamed.


Seokjin dropped the spoon stirring the soup he was making for jungkook when he heard the scream of there maknae. There was already a scream for there maknae name from taehyung, is was strange for jungkook to scream. Everyone's wolf was properly growling and howling at them because there baby screamed in horror. He never screamed seokjin heart beaten faster as bad scenarios popped in his head. He quickly turned off the stove and swiftly made his hands go behind him to take off his pink apron. Once that was over with he dropped it in the floor and walked towards the doorway. He could already see taehyung and namjoon ahead of him past the dinner table and couches as he saw jimin head peaking out from the living room doorway. The moment he got close to jimin he looked at him in a scared and worried way, his eyes glossed over and his scent was bitter. "Hyung?" And seokjin cooed slightly as his wolf inside him told him to comfort the omega. Jimin blonde hair was curly and untamed it a mess but it was cute. Seokjin quickly hugged jimin as jimin instantly started to nuzzle his neck. Seokjin whispered words that everything was alright and jungkook was okay. He lightly tugged at jimin hair to indicate they should probably move towards the couch. Jimin follow's him like an eager puppy that it made him coo once more. They both reached the white couch that had those fluffy pillows that he seen the maknae line and Yoongi specifically cuddle with. Seokjin got comfortable laying across the couch having jimin sat on his lap, both legs next to his thighs, as he laid on his chest with his head at seokjin neck nuzzling. Seokjin let his scent sooth the pup as he was restless, moving constantly as he wanted to go to jungkook room to see what was wrong and how to fix it, that was who jimin is. He was the most worried out of the rest of the pack, the first one to be there and the last one to leave after he confirmed they were actually fine. Like yesterday when he was cuddling jungkook all night as there maknae snuggled with his bunny plushie in between them.

Jimin mouthed at seokjin neck, especially at his scent gland(is that what it's called? (・・?)), this was one of the ways for jimin to calm down is to keep his mouth occupied to distracted him. Seokjin hummed as he felt jimin warm tongue lick and suck at his neck, his plump lips circling around his neck searching and biting lightly. Jimin hands clutched at his pink sweater as his scent sweetened, seokjin hummed once more "sweetheart," jimin replies was muffled as he tightened his legs around seokjin legs, "shhh sweetheart I know it's been awhile but please be patient." He grunted as jimin retaliated and bit him a bit harder, probably leaving a mark, his hands instantly moved to grip jimin hips. "Jimin-!," seokjin gasped as jimin plump lips were instantly on him, biting and forcefully parting his lips before entering. Jimin hip stuttered lightly against his half hard cock as he started to slowly rut against seokjin. There tongues were instantly fighting against each other as they fought for dominance. "Sweet-mhhh ah," seokjin tried to stop jimin because it was not a good time to start doing this especially the circumstances!

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