When She Knows Too

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        After our intimate act, I went into our bathroom to take an extra long cold shower. It's funny how no one else can fill me up with fire like Maven. But then again, he is a burner. Pushing all thoughts aside, I stayed in the shower humming until my fingers started to get pruny. It really is a bad habit of mine— losing focus easily. Getting dressed, I went to grab a comb to brush out my hair when all of a sudden our chamber doors were recklessly pushed open by a group of maids.

         "Your highness, King Maven is requiring your presence in the courtroom." The first maid said, panting. This must be one important meeting.

        "Do any of you know what for?" I asked politely, tilting my head out of curiosity.

        "Um, I don't really know. King Maven didn't tell us but I overheard him talking to Lord Samos about Evangeline's trial." A maid in the back answered. Immediately my mood turned sour thinking about seeing that little tramp again.

        "Very well, I will get ready in five minutes and come along, please inform King Maven." I informed the group, smiling.

        Nodding, the maids left and the sentinels that were followed them here stationed themselves outside the door. In less than five minutes, I finished combing my hair and putting on minimal makeup and walked out the door, sentinels following me.

        Once we reached the courtroom on the west wing of the palace, I grabbed the two handles and swung them open. In front of me, I could see Maven with a somber expression sitting on his throne. After meeting my eyes, a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, making me smile in content I could cheer him up. To my left, the low silver houses Skonos, Jacos, Arven, Blonos, Carros, Eagrie, Greco, Laris, and Rhambos were seated. And to my right, all the silver elite houses Merandus, Welle, Osanos, Haven, Titanos, Samos, and Iral were seated. Lady Blonos really did do a good job helping me memorize the house names during protocol, I thought.

        And of course, walking into the center of the room I spotted Evangeline. Sitting on the ground in chains, but no, they weren't of silent stone. What the hell? Doesn't Maven know that she can break out of those in the flick of a wrist? Speculating closer, I could see that there were no bags under her eyes and her face didn't look swollen. The smeared mascara tried to fool me by thinking that she was crying but she must've just forgotten to wash her face last night. Walking around her in a circle, I couldn't help but to think, she isn't in pain. In fact, she's doing absolutely fine. After circling her once while glaring at the pathetic excuse of a human lying on the floor, I made my way to Maven's adjacent throne and took my seat.

        Side-glancing at Maven, I tried to signal him with my eyes. What are we doing? Catching my stare, he softly shook his head before looking back to our audience. Strange. Standing up, Maven walks down the steps of his throne to face the silvers. "Ladies and Gentleman," he begins. "Today we are gathered to witness the trial of Evangeline Samos, traitor to the crown. Not only did she disrespect our Queen, she tried to ruin her King's relationship with his Queen. Trying to manipulate everyone as if she was the Queen. Which—she isn't. Not only that, she refuses to address our Queen with her title." He announces to the crowd. As soon as he says that, the crowd starts to whisper and talk among themselves. "Silence!" He demands, the courtroom falling into an uncomfortable and pin-drop silence. "So hereby the King, Evangeline has been marked a traitor and we will need the council to determine if she is guilty as I see her to be." Maven finishes, walking back to his throne. I take his hand into mine, squeezing lightly to ease his tension.

        The courtroom is once again filled with chatter about whether or not Evangeline is guilty and after a while, each house sent down their representative. The low houses combine to have one representative, Lord Blonos. The remaining speakers are Lord Merandus (Samson), Lord Welle, Lord Iral, Lord Osanos, Lord Haven, and Lord Samos (Volo). They all approached the front of the room, forming an horizontal line.

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