Chapter 3 - Departing

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After dinner i finished packing but i could not get to sleep so i just sat. I sat doing nothing. Knowing that i wasn't going to school tomorrow. Knowing that i was never returning to school. I had my rucksack full of clothes, food and things i need for survival etc... I could hear the rain outside. It was bouncing of my window. When i thought about it i knew i couldn't travel far. I was only 11. I couldn't be missing for long. This will prove to my parents how much i am not ignored at home. This will show them. Show them once and for all. 

I tiptoed downstairs wearing my coat and wellies and my rucksack on my back. I wrote a not saying 'Mum, Dad i will be back. one day sooner than later. I am just proving a point. Please don't come looking for me. I will be safe away from home. People will care for me.'

Then i quietly shut the front door after placing the note on the door mat and i stood outside my house i whispered 'Goodbye' Then i was out in the open world all alone. It was now 9 o'clock. Nobody would be out so i slowly walked down the road avoiding the puddles. 

The rain had already started to ease off so it was drier. I was walking by streetlamp light. I entered the park at the end of the next road to find lots of adults coming out of the hall in the center. They were standing around in dresses and suits.

I was afraid someone might know me so i ran to the far corner of the park where there was lots of bushes. I hid inside them and set out my sleeping bag. I got inside and started to look out at all the adults standing talking. they were there until about 11 o'clock. Then i laid down to go to sleep.

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