Chapter 6 - Discovery?

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I was amused by the tree, all the branches were twined together which made lovely patterns. Nobody could see me but i could see them. The best view was when i climbed to the top and looked out with my binoculars. I kept seeing people i knew. So i kept my distance from the edge of the vegetation so that i wasn't spotted. 

On the nearby branch there was a bird tree with bird eggs inside. The mother and father went off to find food and more materials to build their nest with. When the father came back he brought 2 pieces of paper. Both were posters with a drawing of me on. One read Missing and the other Wanted. At the bottom of the missing poster was my home phone number, it was clear that my parents had put this poster up. The Wanted poster had the same picture of my but had question marks round my head. It was clear somebody wanted to kidnap me or worse kill me.

Now was the time to make a move. A move away from here. To a place where i wasn't known. I could stay with my grandparents. they lived 5 miles from here. I would have to walk but i would make my move in the night so i arrived in the morning.

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