🌹Chapter 56 and 58 Questions🌹

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Chapter 56 of Transgression on Wattpad will be first and then chapter 58 on Inkitt is below those. Also, anyone reading Inkitt can comment on the wattpad only questions if they want.

🌹Wattpad Questions🌹

Do you think Alpha Chris and Grandpa Keir will call off the merger between Taron and Sophia, after seeing how well Acacia knows Taron compared to Sophia?

Do you think there is any significance to the gift that Grandpa Keir gave Acacia?

How do you feel about "the pack over self" alphas have to abide by?

Why do you think Ridge and Marcus are so close?

How do you feel about Taron confirming they are mates?

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🌹Inkitt Questions🌹

Was anyone prepared for the bombshell that was dropped tonight?

Do you think Taron is truly the father and Sophia is lying about it being his?

If the pup isn't Tarons, who else do you think could be the father? Why would she lie?

If the pup isn't his, and Sophia and her father lied, what should be their punishments? Should they both get punished? Or just Sophia since she's the one who had sex with Taron?

Do you think a male should choose his pup over his true mate? Why or why not?

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