🌹Chapter 91 Questions🌹

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What was Loki talking to Samami about? That he did what?

What energy lines were they talking about?

Cormac is all three fates woven as one?! What does that even mean?!

If Cormac is the three fates, does that classify him as a god? Is this mysterious true hybrid mate a god also?

Is Loki Zeus?! 😱😱😱 Is that why he glows white?!

Acacia's emotions are connected to the veil... so does this mean the more unstable she is, the more the veil gets torn down?

Loki really got pissed at Taron for what he said, saying Acacia's place is above him. Do you believe she should be above everyone? Or should all the mates be equal?

Who else can't wait for Loki to show Taron his place? 😁

What do you think Rian is thinking about while Loki is gone?

Loki busted in with his boxers...what do you think Loki and Rian were doing?😏😂😂

Now who wants to read Loki and Rian's little love making session? 😏😏😏

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