🌹 Chapters 78-80 🌹

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Hey everyone, sorry about the lack of questions. Since so much has happened in the last few chapters, we're going to start back with chapter 78 where Loki takes Acacia to his pack lodge.

🌹 Chapter 78 🌹

Who are Loki's other mates?

Why won't the pack members and Loki take Acacia's feelings into consideration?

Why are they all girls?

Why did Loki sound hopeful about Acacia finding her beloved?

Why did Loki seems more powerful than a normal hybrid?

Why do you think Brilite was able to talk to Loki like she did? Is this pack different from a usual pack of wolves?

🌹 Chapter 79 🌹

What are the marks on Acacia's elbows?

Why was no one surprised by Acacia's new spiderweb tattoos?

What do the tattoos mean? Is it a power? Is her goddess powers finally coming through?

Where did Samami learn this blue healing magic from? Why is it blue?

When do you think Acacia will think of this new place as a "sanctuary" and not a prison?

Do you agree with how Loki is addressing Acacia? Do you think it will change once he realizes what has happened to her? Will she let him in enough for him to realize he is reacting to her wrongly?

🌹 Chapter 80 🌹

Do you think Rose told the Vindicators Pack about what happened? If not, why?

What's up with the Vindicators? Do they all have powers?

Why can't the Vindicators find Mercury and his gang? Where did they go? Are they getting help from someone?

Do you think Loki was really trying to threaten Acacia? Or was it just miscommunication?

What made him suddenly leave for Elysium?

How do you think Sha messed with her "gift" to hurt herself like she did?

Wow, that was a lot. Have fun, and remember: these questions are to start some discussion, so be nice and talk to others!😁❤️

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