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taron 🕴🏻
what's up

monika 👑
the worst thing
i could think of

monika 👑
im scared

monika 👑
the theatre is thinking
of cancelling the robin
hood show

monika 👑
like in general

taron 🕴🏻

taron 🕴🏻
they can't do that

monika 👑
they can and
they are

taron 🕴🏻
but the show
is so good

monika 👑
you're biased

monika 👑
this could be
the end of my job

monika 👑
my dream

monika 👑
i love being maid

monika 👑
that's who
i am:
maid marian

monika 👑
tonight's our last
showing of it

monika 👑
it's our last chance
to persuade them

monika 👑
i need to make
it the best yet

taron 🕴🏻
baby you'll do
amazing, you're so
talented and
breathtaking and
just the best don't
worry you'll make
them realise how stupid
they are

taron 🕴🏻
you're perfect

taron 🕴🏻
and for maid marian
you'll always be my
maid marian baby

monika 👑
thank you, you
made me feel

monika 👑
you always do

monika 👑
you're honestly
the best

monika 👑
i love you

MAID MARIAN ( TARON EGERTON ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now