Chapter 14- Pissed on my Parade

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Oxana's POV

It seemed that my days with Harry were numbered and my moments with Landon short. A simple week after my hand slid across the cheek of a woman I called my mother was the last week I had before I was packed and in the seat of my fathers car. His old car.

My mothers driver silently got inside the car, and de ja vu hit me like a brick.

Back to rehab I went for severe depression. I almost considered jumping out of the car to end it all then and prove I wasn't depresed but I knew it'd only work in the opposite way if I did that.

I thought of when she told me just hours before. She didn't frown or cry or apologize she just smiled and said it was for the best. I had called Landon, said sorry for my wrongdoings. I kissed him, ignored him, and shut him out going on wild adventures with the fascinating Harry.

Only this time Harry walked away from me and ignored me for the past 5 days.

I wasn't counting.

He was just my closest friend besides Landon and it pissed me off that I was so butthurt about this all. Harry was still a self conceited asshole. My mom was still a selfish pill-popping bitch. My sister was still a coward and my dad was just cut out of the picture.

When I informed Landon I was leaving he wanted to see me but I couldn't go through the sentimental bullshit so I told him I'd only be gone for a month. 

I'd be gone for three to six. 

When we finally pulled in I realized despite the fact curly was ignoring me, I still should've said goodbye. Struggling with the nurse that pushed me out last time I sent a text.

"i expect a ride home when this shits over. and by ride i mean i expect to drive asshole xx"

And the my phone was taken, my luggage grabbed and I was brought upstairs to room 211 with my bracelet labeling me "Badger- High Risk Attempted Suicide" in bright red.

That fucking bitch. 


Harry's POV

"Can't a man have a beer?" I slurred again not quite comprehending what Roger was doing with the brunette on his lap, I came here tonight with a wish to drink but now I just wanted to leave, no  longer getting a rush from the alcohol and Roger's amusing sex life.

My phone buzzed making me realize it was only 9:00 and I had to be home.

I looked around at the 6 cans scattered in my area, "Shit."

I couldn't drive this smashed. Maybe I was stupid enough to get shitfaced but I wasn't fucked up enough to try and drive. When I reached out to check my phone and saw a text from the one and only life fucker Oxana.

Oxana- "i expect a ride home when this shits over. and by ride i mean i expect to drive asshole xx"

Something about that sobered me up and I got on the bike and hit the pedal all the way to her house not even bothering to knock quietly.

A clearly medicated Mrs. Badger opened the door to the house and smiled, "Harry, dear?"

"Where the fuck is Oxana?"

I pushed past her and started up the steps to Oxana's room.

Her mother cackled but frowned a sad frown at the same time.

"The suicidal teen is in rehab where she belongs. She will be back soon she has a way of always coming back." 

Something snapped and I turned towards the mom, "Are you fucking with me? You're washing down your 'pain pills' with alcohol and she's the suicidal one? All because some man left you? She was past her depression and you know it. Throwing her in there will only make it worse. Get her the fuck out now."

I stepped closer a mere inches from the woman, "Now!" 

She again frowned, "Don't you know why she jumped?"

"Fuck, yes, that has nothing to do with anything."

The poor Mrs. Badger smiled sadly, "She jumped for a boy, a boy who isn't you so I would suggest you not waste your time."

She jumped because of something, and it wasn't that. She couldn't love someone as bland and simple as Landon. Someone who was massively into partying, secretly of course, and also someone who had been seemingly cheating on her. He clearly liked her but not enough.

She never saw the god damn bad in anyone. She left without telling me goodbye and she expects to come back to me with me waiting with open arms. Well she can fuck herself inside out in that god damn prison camp.

I stormed out of her house and went home just to sleep off the alcohol so I could think clearly still groggy about some of my surroundings. Oxana was in rehab. Her mother was killing herself. I was pissed beyond belief for no rational reason and I was going to move on and pretend the frustrating girl never pissed on my parade.



The next morning I woke up with a head ache but clearer thoughts on what was happening. Oxana left and I was clueless as what to do next. I didn't care too much that she was gone, we were close but not on an intimate level, much to my displeasure.

It seemed three months couldn't be that bad, nothing would change, she would come back bitter and pissy, we'd go separate ways, but as usual shit never happens that way.


A/N Okay sorry so much happened in such a short chapter it will slow down but when stuff happens to me it happens fast so if this felt rushed sorry but I spent a long time stressing about how this would turn out.

This story isn't even close to over so yeah I don't know if I should just skip to what happens after the hospital or like put some scenes from both POV's during the time or yeah.

Sorry if this wasn't great but this chapters been stressing me out for awhile so I decided to just do it.

Sorry it's short but I'll be updating again maybe tomorrow???

vote if yah can and yeah goodnight hahah. 


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