A Test of Courage

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Day two of our vacation in this pocket dimension, I'd never had thought that this could get so intense, but we've already broken many laws in a fun game of a not-so-fun water gun fight. So, I think we're pretty much done with the lake. I flip the frying pan, letting the eggs cook on the other side. I had Draq and Griffal go to the store to get some ingredients... But they spent it all on Mountain Dew and only had enough left to get eggs. But, you know what they say, when life gives you lemons... Make orange juice. "Alright, how do you like your eggs? I can do scrambled, scrambled, and scrambled..." I'm not going to start to explain how we managed to fit around 15 people at one table. Draq looks over to me. "Yes... Yes.. But can you do scrambled?" ~ "Depends, how scrambled are we talking..?" ~ "Iris Heart scrambled..." We all feel a chill go down our spines. "Bad thoughts, Draq. Bad thoughts."

After eating a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, we head out into the woods. For no damn reason... Pretty much how we deal with everything we do. Neptune looks over to me. "So... Why are we in the forest." ~ "Well, we're going to have a test of courage..." ~ "During the day?" ~ "Trust me, I know what I'm doing... Mostly..." ~ "How much is mostly?" ~ "Like... 3... .1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862 089986280348253421170679821..." ~ "Why are you reciting pi?" ~ "For $#!%$ and giggles, Noire. For $#!%$ and giggles... And I know I said we were going to be heading outside, but why is everyone wearing their swimsuits?" I was the only one out of us that was actually wearing something 'summer' related. I had black shorts and a white t-shirt, still wearing the signature black coat on top, though. We arrive at what looks like a haunted house. I'm starting to think the Author is just pulling ideas out of his butt... I kick open the door. "I've come to kick gum and chew @$$... Dammit, again?!" We're greeted by a horde of bats flying out... Yep, definitely a haunted house. "Okay, Neptune and I will go down this way, Draq and Griffal will go that way, Noire and Uni will go upstairs, Blanc, Rom, and Ram, will go downstairs, and Everyone else can go screw off..." We disperse and the hauntings begin. I step into a separate room with Neptune and pull out a small human looking piece of paper. "Ready for fun? This is the Sachiko Forever-After charm..." ~ "What?!" ~ "Just kidding." A scream echoes throughout the mansion. Neptune looks up. "That sounds like Noire?!" ~ "It seems she found the first one..." We exit the room and proceed up the stairs, onto the second floor.

We walk down an endless hallway, so endless, that it has the word 'endless' in front of it... We see Noire and Uni up ahead, running full speed towards us. Behind them, was a headless suit of armor. "Well $#!%..." I take out a small toothpick and stab it into my finger. I raise my hand in a finger gun. I blast the headless heavy a few times, before charging up and blowing its chest apart. I turn to Noire and Uni. "You'd best head outside." They nod and make their way downstairs. "Now, we may as well check on Blanc." Neptune nods and we head downstairs into the basement.

"Well, you seem to be having a good time." ~ "Shut it!" Blanc was in HDD, fighting against a massive demon. "Bang." I blow up the head of the demon, instantaneously. "We're going now." ~ "R-Right." Blanc takes Rom and Ram, and they leave the mansion. "Alright, and that leaves..." A loud explosion echoes throughout the mansion. "Oh, Nepdammit! What did they do this time?!" Neptune and I make our way to the kitchen area, finding a massive fire has spread. "Draq! What did you do?!" ~ "I just blasted some fire at this ice monster." ~ "Ice monster?" I look down at a large puddle. "Oh... We should leave..." ~ "Right." Draq leaves the kitchen and outside. "Neptune, you might as well head out, too." ~ "Okay." Neptune follows Draq out of the building. "And that leaves..."

I walk down a hallway consumed in fire. "Where is he?" I come across a bunch of crushed Mountain Dew cans, liquid spilled everywhere. The walls were all scratched up and the windows were broken. "My guess, is that something decided to get on Griff's bad side..." I continue down the hallway, arriving at a very thirsty Griffal. (Get your mind out of the gutter.) Griffal was victoriously drinking Mountain Dew over a mutilated werewolf. "Well, I guess I should've expected as much. We need to leave now." ~ "'Kay." Griffal crushes the werewolf's head under his talon and leaps out of the window. I start to make my way out of the mansion.

"Alright, is everyone here?" Everyone seems to be accounted for... I look back to the mansion, which is currently on fire. "Has anyone seen F-Bomb?" Everyone shakes their head. "He's still in there, eh? Everyone, stand back." Everyone steps back about a mile. "Aaaaaaaaaaaand...."

The mansion explodes in a massive blaze of fire. "That! Is why you don't discharge gas bombs inside of a blazing inferno!" We all turn away from the mansion and start heading back to the cottage. Remembering our fallen comrade... "Will not be missed."

End of Chapter

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