Well That Was Fast

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May: Their wifi is stable again after Pyro's dad yelled at the cablemen. And boy, they were scared.

Pyro: Its a meeeerrrraaacccllleee!!!! \(0.0)/

Drew: -.- Great, more torture. Pyro is also working on a special chapter to try to make it up for you crazy Pyromaniackers, she decided you guys come first before sleep.

Pyro: yep! ^_^ Its a secret. *Returns to angered self* Anyways, I'm not much in a good mood today, so I'll go read. Some jerk spat at me, so I have to wash my skirt because it was filled with mucus and

My best friend was bullied by this bitch. If only she told me. . . *Mutters*

Drew: She knows that if she informed you, you might charge after the girl and tear her to pieces like you did to the other guy, she doesn't want you to go to the principal's office.

Pyro: Fine. I'll let the girl live. . . Maybe.

Sora: Anyways. As Drew mentioned, Pyro's working on a really funny, really chaotic chapter to catch up for days of absence, so stay tuned! ^_^

Pyro: Yep! ^_^ Bye!~

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