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Happy birthday, SMG! ^~^ I dedicate this chapter to you, you're one of the greatest friends I ever had and you're proof that any author can be special in his/her own way! ^3^ You're funny, cheerful, supportive, sassy and when I'm crying, I read a lot of books and your T or D! ^.^ You've been an inspiration and one of my first readers of my books, just when I was thinking of deleting my books!

So lets all say "happy shiny birthday" to her!!! *Gives her a cake with a shiny mew on it* I linked a song and pic for ya! ^-^

* * *

Pyro: Hi guys!~ I was gone for a while because of issues in life, but we got a charger so I'm back! And I just published two fanfictions: Soren's story and a Soul Eater fanfic!

Soren: Yay!!!

Ayane: Hi!~ We're Pyro's new OCs!!!!

Hibiki: Yo. *Smiles and waves*

Chou: . . . . . . . . .

Yumiko: Ehehehehe. (^_^;;) Don't mind my meister, she's a bit silent when there are boys around.


Pyro: *Sings Trick and Treat and creepily approaches Hiro, Nyx, and Akuma* You. . .  Are. Gonna. DIEEEE!!!! *Kills them* Ok, SMG will lead for today! Happy b-day! (OWO)7 *Disappears*

SMG: *Was sitting on a throne with a shiny mew crown on head* let's start!

TinyDragon: I dare Austin to go on a date with creepypasta Riku

Austin: *Tries to crawl away pathetically* Nuuuuuu!!!!! *Was dragged away by Riku* TT^TT

*Insert JB screams here*
uhhhh, Chase and Alyson to prank Drew (Sora can help)

Sora: YES!!!! *Takes out a Prinny*

Soul: (-_-;;) This is weirder than Shibusen.

Maka:(-0-;;) Yea.

Drew: -3- Why me?

SMS: Why you? XD

Sora and Emma: *Grabs shotguns and does epic pose while Unhappy Refrain in the background* Why us? B-)

Drew: O_O *Runs when Chase, Allyson, Sora and Emma hurled Prinnies at him&

Riku to do smih with Austin (creepypasta still)

SMG: All done! ^-^ *Ignores Austin's screams*

Austin: WHY ME?!?!?!?! DX

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