Day 2

552 17 0

I wrap myself in my blanket,

and pretend that its your arms,

Because maybe if you were here,

Things won't be so hard.

I rest my head on my pillow,

And pretend that its your chest,

Because maybe if you were here,

My heart would ache less.

I close my eyes and sigh,

And pretend these miles don't exist,

Because they over whelm me


All I want is to feel your kiss.

Jungkook's heart fluttered while reading this poem. He has started keeping all the peoms and roses from Tae in a decorated jar.

 He has started keeping all the peoms and roses from Tae in a decorated jar

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NONE of the poems so far are written by me, if I do write one I will let you guys know. Thank you for over 100 reads.

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