The feedback system

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In my days as a student of engineering I learnt a lot about the systems that men have built and their principles of operation. To attain stability, one of the principles used in almost all systems, is the feedback principle.
This principle is seen playing out in almost all aspects of nature; from biological systems, electromechanical systems, and the spiritual systems. Everything always seems to work towards finding a ballance and stability in the way it operates. The truth is that, there is a power behind all this natural things. Everything In nature was created and is sustained by the power in the Spirit of God. ( Colossians 1:16-17)

In the feedback system, part of the output signal is fedback into the system as an input. As the feedback signal is compared against the initial input signal, the system is able to achieve a better and more stable output.

Most of the working systems that human beings have built are a subconscious reflection of how our lives operate. The human soul is at the center of all operations of the human existance; it receives inputs and gives outputs.

From the picture above, the first diagram shows the perfection that is achieved in all aspects of life, when a believer only lives according to the dictates of the Spirit of God. The diagram is a model of stability and maturity in character that every believer is expected to attain at the end of their journey of spiritual transformation. This is a model of Jesus Christ, the lamb of God.

The second diagram shows a non-believer who is cut off from the kingdom of God. This believer only lives according to the dictates of the flesh. He lives by instincts and is under the control of the spiritual rulers of this world who cause men to live in disobedience and rebellion against their maker and God. He is carnal in all his thoughts, and there is little to no divinity in him. His soul is sick because of sin and this is reflected in his speech, the decisions he makes and the things he does. More often than not, such a one only contributes to the pain and suffering around him, but also lives out the consequences of the nature of their souls.

The third diagram shows a young/growing believer. His soul now receives instructions (input signals), both from the Spirit of God who now indwells him, and from the flesh his old but still dominant master. There is a battle within his soul and the output of his life is now determined by whom of the two masters he has chosen to please; if the Spirit of God, then his life begins to transform little by little towards perfection as his soul grows in strength and wisdom towards the fullness of the stature of his master.
And if the beliver still chooses the flesh as his master, then he begins to degrade back to his former animal state and back to spiritual death. ( Ezekiel 18:21-25)
In the book of romans 8, Paul reminds us of the same truth.
The book of Galatians 5:16-25, teaches us how to study the output of our lives and then compare this output against the truths revealed in the word of God. The result of this self examination process against the word of God, can reveal to a believer just how far they have to go in order to achieve the perfection that God desires for all His children.

In the fourth diagram, the input from the flesh has been grounded, and the soul operates at the potential of the input from the Spirit of God. At this level, the believer has attained spiritual maturity and is a reflection of his Master, the Lord Jesus the Christ. The Spirit of God fully dwells in him and he lives only according to the dictates of the Spirit of God. The demands of the flesh have now been silenced and he is dead to the flesh and alive to the Spirit.

When a person carefully examines the circumstances of his life, ie. The state of his heart and the condition of his life, then goes out to seek the answers from the word of God, then consciously live out his life in obedience to the word of God; the the person is using the output of his soul as a feedback to improve his life to perfection.

If he ignores the dictates of the Spirit of God and chooses the way of the flesh, he may experience temporary relief from the burden borne during growth to perfection, but the outcome of his life will ultimately be worse than before, both to his doom and the destruction of many around him. In the end he looses the life that he had in the Spirit.

This should remind us something, each time you are enjoying the benefits of a system put in place for our use, be they electrical systems, or human social systems, remember that God is reminding you to go back to His word and seek out the answers for all the aspects of your own life. Only He has the manual for your life, since He is the one who created you. He is always waiting for you to perceive Him, and commune with Him. Will you atleast try?!!

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