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A knock on Baekhyun's front door interrupted his favorite movie, and grabbing one more handful of popcorn he went to answer it.

Sehun stood on the other side, and half smiled before pushing pass Baekhyun into the apartment as he demanded, "You must tell me everything. Your newest post. You already miss him? It wasn't even a day."

"Well, hello to you too, Sehun," Baekhyun muttered with an eye roll as he closed his door. Then he rounded on his brother, hands on his hips as he snapped, "And who are you to judge me? Huh? I'm older than you so . . . so . . . Ugh! So stay out of my business!"

Sehun rolled his eyes and grabbed a piece of popcorn, tossing it into his mouth. Baekhyun furrowed his brow and stomped forward, ripping away the popcorn bowl as he cried, "And why must you always eat my food? Stop it!"

"Fine!" Sehun mumbled around the popcorn. Then he reached out for Baekhyun's hand and spat the chewed up mush into his palm.

Baekhyun gasped and his eyes widened in horror before his face filled with color and he shrilly screamed, "Oh Sehun, you are disgusting! I'm so glad we're not related by blood!"

Sehun just stuck out his tongue and went "Hah!" before doing a little dance.

Baekhyun huffed and rolled his eyes. He placed the popcorn bowl on his coffee table before stomping to his kitchen to scrub and disinfect his hand.

"So what are you doing here anyway?" Baekhyun called from the kitchen.

"I wanted to visit my hyung!" Sehun called back too sweetly. Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Okay, but really, Baek. What are you doing?" Sehun asked as he made his way into the kitchen.

Baekhyun avoid Sehun's gaze and just continued to focus on washing his hands as he nonchalantly replied, "I have no idea what you're talking about?"

Sehun huffed and hopped into the counter. He leaned his head back onto a cabinet with a heavy sigh and muttered, "You're a horrible liar . . . Baekhyun, do you really want to get mixed into another relationship, especially if this —- whatever it is —- ends badly? Do you really want to go through the trouble of packing up your life and moving again?" Sehun asked as he hopped back onto the floor.

Baekhyun continued to avoid his brother's gaze as he mumbled, "It's not like that. Chanyeol's different."

"And you know this how? From the four fucking hours you spent with him at a damn carnival? Baekhyun, don't be stupid! He could be lying to you! I don't want to see you get hurt again!" Sehun cried as he tried reaching for his brother.

"Don't touch me," Baekhyun said as he stepped back half a step. "I promise, Sehun. This time is different."

"I saw the messages," Sehun quietly said, his words causing Baekhyun's blood to run cold. "I know he hasn't and won't leave you alone. And you haven't said anything. You've just been blocking him! What good is that going to do? He's creating new accounts to fucking stalk you, Baek! He's crazy and obsessive and he won't stop!"

"I don't want to talk about this! Shut up, Sehun! No....get out instead! I'll talk to you later, but I have a date with Chanyeol tonight and I can't handle it if my head is full of him again. So please, just leave?" Baekhyun weakly said.

"Please, Baekhyun, just don't get hurt . . ." Sehun muttered as he turned away, the front door clicking shut a moment later.

Baekhyun sighed and clasped onto one of kitchen chairs. He felt a single tear roll down his cheek as he weakly whispered, "You're fine, Baekhyun. He can't find you. Just calm down . . . You're safe."

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