Chapter 1 | Basement

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It was a late saturday night. My exams were already starting on monday, and I had not even touched my books.

The shouts and groans coming from the livingroom were haunting my empty mind. I could hear items getting thrown across the room.
As usual my parents were fighting again. My parents didn't get along at all. They would always fight over the smallest things. I've always wondered why they haven't divorced yet.
They don't know that their relationship is affecting me the most. They never spend time with me, they always talk rudely to each other and they never show interest in anything I do. It's almost as if I don't even exist!

I sat in front of my dirty desk and rested my head on both of my hands. I looked at the textbooks in front of me. I sighed frustrated.
I will never be able to study in this environment!
I shut my eyes and hope that they'll stop fighting. I can feel my heartbeat getting louder as every second pass by. My head felt heavy and it kept spinning around.
Their voices just seemed to get louder and louder. Every single day the same things accour over and over again.

I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! I can't stand it any longer!
I stood up from my chair and aggressively threw all the books in my backpack.
I slammed the door open and bursted to the living room.
As I opened the door, I saw my dad pulling my mom's hair, and my mom was ripping my dad's shirt. I felt embarrassed calling them my parents. They acted like little kids.

I took a deep breath before I pushed both of them apart. I screamed on top of my lungs. I let all of my frustration out in one second.
They both looked at me with their mouths open.

"FUCK BOTH OF YOU!" I said as I pointed on both of them and breathed heavily. They looked at me with a blank expression.

With that, I stomped out of the apartment.
I didn't have anything else to say. They already knew how I felt.
I had left the house several times before, but each time they apologized and promised that they would never fight again. But they never kept their promise.
I promised to myself that no matter what happens, I will not go back home this time.

It was already midnight. I was surrounded by darkness. There was not a single person on the street right now. I looked in other people's windows and I could either see people sitting and having a fun time or that the lights were off.
A little further away I could hear faint voices of several males chatting and laughing in the distance. I got kind of creeped out. My neighborhood is very dangerous at night, especially when girls like me roam on the streets.
I've been here several times at night but I guess I'm just too ugly so no one wants to talk to me anyway.

I don't have any close friends that I can stay at, so roaming on the streets is the only option I have. I have never slept outside tho. I would usually relax and try to study for a few hours, and then normally one of my parents would call and tell me to come home.
But, I've made sure that won't happen this time. I purposely left my phone in my room so that I don't have to listen to their bullshit. I don't have any plans as for where I'm going to sleep or what I'm going to eat but I belive I'll solve that as times goes.

I am pretty familiar with the neighborhood I live in. I've lived here my whole life so I know where to go.
I feel myself getting a little nervous as I go in the woods. This is the first time I'm going in there without a flashlight. I have to admit that it looks pretty creepy in there. Who knows there might be a serial killer waiting for me in there?

Even though it's almost pitch black in the woods, I feel my surroundings and make my way to the bench where I usually always sit on.
The bench is located in the middle of the woods. This place is very mysterious and I don't think many people know that it exists. Behind the bench are some random stairs leading down to a big door. I assume it's a basement but I've never really gone down there since it looks pretty scary. Not to mention, you can't really see the door since it's so dark.
The stairs are basically leading you to the darkness.

I really like this place, since nobody come here.
But this time, something is different. I throw my exhausted body on the bench and open my backpack. I suddenly freeze as I hear something from the basement behind me. I start feeling anxious. There was coming loud pop music from the basement.
I got goosebumps all over my body.
Who could that be? I thought nobody went down there?

I hadn't heard anything from the basement before, so why was loud music coming from the room now?
I figured out, if I wanted to be able to study out here, then I had to get rid of the music. I hesitated at first but then I convinced myself that nothing bad is going to happen.

I collected all my courage and slowly started going down the stairs.
I kept looking behind me. The view was fading as I walked deeper and deeper. The music got louder and louder. I shouldn't be as scared as I am. There is nothing to be scared of, right?

I had reached the last step and my heart was beating like crazy. I start getting weird thoughts like, what if there's a dangerous creature living inside there? What if witches live there? I wanted to turn around for a second but I mentally slapped myself. I reached out my hand to knock on the door and I realized that my hands were shaking.
Before I could do anything, the door opened itself, revealing a young man. I flinched and let out a scream in horror.
My heart stopped for a second and my  brain stopped working.
The boy was looking at me with an odd expression.
A few seconds later I realized that it was just a boy.
Oh god, he must think I'm so weird!
I quickly apologized to him, and turned around to run up again. I completely forgot why I went down there in the first place. Who knows what this boy can do to me? I know I was acting all tough a few minutes ago, but the only thing I know right now is that I just want to get out of here!

As I turn around to leave the boy took a grip of my wrist.

"What are you doing here? He grabbed my wrist tightly, and asked.

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