Chapter. 9 | Bangtan (last)

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I opened my eyes slowly as I got disturbed by loud voices.
I was surrounded by unfamiliar laughs.
I lifted my head up and looked around. My heart sank.
I was hoping that maybe I would be in Lucas's arms or at his place at least, but no. I was somewhere I didn't want to be, in a place I couldn't recognize at all.
I was lying on a table. My hands and legs were tied tightly around it.
My hands twitched and my eyes blinked. My watery eyes enlarged and the hairs on the nape of my neck bristled.

I wasn't alone in the room. There were four other boys too.
I realized that it was the same guys that broke into the basement.
My heart raced at a tremendous speed.
They all looked at me the moment I lifted my head up.
Literally, all of them were scary-looking but handsome at the same time, could it be a coincidence?
One of them had a smirk on his face and started coming towards me.
I started praying to god. I hope they don't hurt me.
My heart was racing and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save me.

"WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE?!" I shouted at the man's face as tears rolled down my cheek.

The man chuckled before he bended down to me.
"Didn't your pumpkin tell you?" He asked and stroked his finger across my face.

Pumpkin, who?

I moved my face aggressively to the other side.
"Who do you mean by pumpkin!?" I shouted at him, again.

The man pushed my head down with his finger.
"Woah, relax. No need to shout, darling" He said and dimples appeared on his cheeks as he smiled widely.

"Darling? More like cockroach." The short guy standing in the back said and started cackling along with the other guys.

How dare he!

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear you down there." I said and fake laughed.

"OOOOOooo~" The other guys howled.
The guy gasped in embarrassment and frowned. He stomped his feet as he came towards me. Before I knew it he stood right beside me. Suddenly he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls it. I gasp at his sudden action.
I scream in pain and try to move my body.
The other guys run up to him and pull him away.
"STOP IT JIMIN!" The strongest one of them all said and pushed Jimin backwards.

Jimin, you son of a bitch!!!!

"How dare she make fun of my height!" He shouted as he tried to pull out of their grip. Fortunately, he wasn't strong enough.

"It won't be a good idea to hurt her, Jimin. Lucas is already so fucking furious." The guy with the dimple said and suddenly his facial expression changed. Just by mentioning Lucas.
He suddenly looked more tensed and his facial expression loosened.
Jimin stopped moving and sighed defeated.

My legs began to crack from being in the same position for a long time.
"Are you going to let me go soon?" I whined.

"That depends on your lover boy"
The guy said and sighed deeply.
He took out his phone and was doing something on there.
The Jimin guy was also on his phone, he kept giving me death stares once in a while. Jeez.
The two other boys where standing by the door with their arms crossed.
They looked like bodyguards, or something.

The guy with the dimples put his phone on his ear. He was calling someone. He walked back and forth the room impatiently.
Suddenly he stopped.
"Hello there" He said with a confident tone that didn't match his nervous face at all.

I could hear shouting from the other side of the call.
The more I listened to it the more familiar it sounded........ Could it be Lucas?

Talking about Lucas, I miss him.
I know that deep down in my heart I regret that I never confessed to him. Now I realize that anything can happen anytime, and you might never get the chance to confess your true feelings to a loved one. That's why you shouldn't wait till it's too late.

I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts.
I got startled by the loud noise of door breaking.
The whole brown door was knocked down and so were the two guys that were standing in front of it.
They all got a stunned look on their terrified faces. They moaned in pain as they tried to look who just broke their bones.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The man with dimples shouted as he looked at the broken door and the person who broke it. He looked startled for a moment but quickly composed himself.

It was Lucas

Seeing him standing just a few meter away from me, coming here just to save me made me feel so special.
This feeling is so strange, it stretches throughout my whole body. It's overwhelming, yet makes me feel complete. It has no bound nor length nor depth; it's just absolute. It feels as though I'm in a dangerous fire, yet I'm completely safe at the same time.

I look at him in awe. My eyes were filled with tears that threatened to fall any second.

Lucas desperately searched around the room. His eyes landed on me and he looked relived.
He turned his deadly gaze to the man with dimples and groaned at him.
"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!" The outrage in his voice frightened everyone in the room, including me.

The two men were laying unconscious on the floor. Jimin was standing on the corner beside the man with dimples.

Lucas ran up to the man and grabbed him by his collar.
I noticed that Jimin was first attempting to do something but he decided to not get beaten up.

"You would never lay a finger on your Hyung, would you?" The man tried seducing him.

Hyung? Are they brothers?!

Without hesitating Taehyung threw a fist across his face. The man with the dimples fell down and groaned in pain. Lucas put his big hands around his neck and starts choking him.
The man kick in every direction helpless. Lucas's hands were trembling and his eyes were horribly red. Sweat was dripping down his forehead. The man with the dimples eyed Jimin desperately.
Jimin nodded and kicked Lucas's back. I gasped. Lucas fell to the other side. The man gasped for air the moment Lucas's hands let go of his neck. He crawled on his knees and fought for air.

Lucas quickly stood up and growled before he punched his fist on Jimin's stomach several times.
Jimin fell down and curled into a ball.
The man with the dimples ran towards the door. Lucas put his foot in front of the guys leg causing him to fall flat on his face. I covered my eyes at the sound of bones breaking.
The mans stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken. Lucas stood up satisfied and breathed heavily.

He turned his head and looked over at me. He looked exhausted but a warm smile appeared on his face. He walked over to me and looked at my hands that were tied up. Tears formed in his eyes. He took out a pocket knife out of his pocked and carefully removed the rope. The moment I stood up Lucas pulled me in a warm hug. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I sunk into the warmth of his chest. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end.
He gently pulled away and held my face in his big palms. He was standing close and I was startled by a desire to be swept into his arms again.
His hand reaches for mine and they interlock.

"I love you, Y/N" Lucas whispered.

I was speechless for a moment but came quickly back to reality.
He loves me too...?

"I love you too, Lucas" I said shyly.

Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to my hip. It settled there and pulled me closer. My heart fluttered inside my chest. I was completely unprepared.
He began nuzzling my neck with delicate kisses. So faint, they were whispers. I urged myself to push away, but couldn't. The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips on mine. He kissed me and the world melted away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingled.
He whispered "Y'N" slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. I smile, my heart fluttering at his voice as I clasp my hands on either side of his face. Never before has my name ever felt so wonderful.

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