CHAPTER 4 ~ We Were Friends

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The car smushed her and we all just stared in disbelief. The car backed up and quickly got out. You would've never guess who it was. George Washington. He got out of the car in a hurry, running over to the front of the car to see the mangled Peggy. I grabbed Eliza then Angie and we ran to Peggy and George.

"I am so-" George started, then looked at us and gasped.

"Sorry." George cried, tears forming in his eyes.

Eliza covered her face in her hands and Angie knelt down next to Peggy. I held Eliza close, wiping her tears away.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, MARIA!" I heard Alex yell.

Angie looked up at me with tears falling down her cheeks.

"J-john c-can you check her... p-pulse for m-me," Angie asked. "I-i don't w-want to."

My hands started to shake and I knelt down slowly.

"I'm calling 911." Theo cried, and I heard the numbers being pressed into the phone.

I put my cold fingers right beside Peggy's neck, checking for a pulse. I felt a slow, slight beat.

"We still got her! It's VERY slow and quiet though. Get an ambulance." I exclaimed.

George put his hand on my shoulder.

"I am so sorry, I can pay for all the finan-" He started.

"No, no. It's fine." I replied, looking at the ground.

"Okay, I just want to let you kn-" George said, then sirens started blaring.An ambulance and police car showed up to the sight, immediately pulling a stretcher out. The police man approached George.

"We're taking you down to the station for questions, hands behind your back please." The police man stated, turning George around.

"Taking him to the station for questions? Wait, what?" I asked, trying to pull the police mans hands off of George.

"Sir, please step back." The policeman said, pushing me away.

"No! He didn't mean to!" I cried, Alex pulling me away from the scene.

"John, it's fine. It'll be fine." George stated in a calm matter.

"Are you pressing charges?" The policeman asked Angelica.

Angelica shook her head no, then the policeman threw George into the back of the police car and drove away, the sirens blaring. I took a deep breath. Ya, it'll be fine. My best friend is mangled and my boss is going to jail. It'll all be just fine. Alex hugged me close, tearing up due to the sight of Peggy being carried on to the stretcher. Eliza and Angelica just stared in disbelief, tears spilling out their eyes with no control. And after I saw tears spill out theirs, tears spilled out mine. A doctor approached us.

"Hello, we're very sorry about this situation," She kindly stated. "Please meet us at Orchard Hospital as soon as possible."

We all nodded and the ambulance zoomed off.

"I think it's best if the Gang goes," Alex sneered. "Jefferson, you're in charge of Maria since you started this mess."

Alex punched Jefferson in the gut and we all walked off, leaving the Gang on the side of the road.

"What do we do about Mr. Washington's car?" I asked, looking at Alex.

"While you're at it," Alex yelled at Jefferson. "Call a tow truck."

I smirked at Alex's remark and we speed-walked to our cars which took about 30 minutes.


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